What factors did Vygotsky consider essential to a childs learning?
Language + culture + social interaction
2 of 9
What did Berk find?
children doing a puzzle spent 60% of their time self talking - language essential in guiding thoughts
3 of 9
What evidence is there that language may not be as essential as Vygotsky suggests?
Those who don't have language (the deaf/dumb) learn equally well as those who do.
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How does Vygotsky believe that learning can be accelerated?
Scaffolding - support from a more knowledgeable other (MKO)
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What is the ZPD?
The difference between what a child can do on their own and what they can do with help from an MKO
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Who provides support for the ZPD and how?
McNaughton and Leyland - child + their mother are given puzzles of varying difficulties. If the puzzle was too easy the child lost interest and if the puzzle was too hard their mother ended up doing it for them.
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Give a criticism of the ZPD.
Unscientific - can't be operationalised or tested. Not observable.
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What factors does Vygotsky fail to consider?
Biological development eg. brain maturation
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What factors did Vygotsky consider essential to a childs learning?
Language + culture + social interaction
Card 3
What did Berk find?
Card 4
What evidence is there that language may not be as essential as Vygotsky suggests?
Card 5
How does Vygotsky believe that learning can be accelerated?
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