groups responsible for ensuring members of society conform to socially acceptable modes of behaviour e.g. police
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(normalness) a breakdown in, absence of or confusions about the norms of society which usually govern the behaviour of a social group
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The power to choose ones own actions
3 of 11
Owners of the means of a production
4 of 11
method of organisation in which officials are appointed based on their own merit - to distinct roles. Officials have specialist knowledge or skills and work within a hierarchy
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Ascetic protestant religion based on predestination the allegedly created the protestant work ethic and led to Capitalism
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The production and trade of goods in the pursuit of profit
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Caste system
A stratification system found in the Hindu faith that ranks individuals based on their religious purity . Essentially a system of ascribed status
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Charismatic authority
Power deriving from personality, belief that the person possesses supernatural abilities
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An established religious organisation (often global) with formal hierarchy and a set of beliefs that are widely accepted. Formal worship often with a formal connection to the state
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Civil religion
Bellah's concept of national events, ceremonies and beliefs that reinforce social solidarity through formation of a collective consciene
11 of 11
Other cards in this set
Card 2
(normalness) a breakdown in, absence of or confusions about the norms of society which usually govern the behaviour of a social group
Card 3
The power to choose ones own actions
Card 4
Owners of the means of a production
Card 5
method of organisation in which officials are appointed based on their own merit - to distinct roles. Officials have specialist knowledge or skills and work within a hierarchy
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