
1944 Butler Act
Secondary modern, grammar and technical schools
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1979 New Rights Act
Vocational courses, league tables and parentocracy
2 of 45
1988 Education Reform Act
National curriculum and schools control finances
3 of 45
1997 New Labour Act
Specialist school and Sure Start
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2010 Coalition Act
People premium, compulsory age 18 and Progress 8
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Post Modernism
No value consensus - individual based
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What did Bowles and Gintis do?
Jug and Mug principle
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What is the correspondence principle?
School mirrors the work place
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What does functionalism want to achieve?
Role allocation so every institution fills a function
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What is the organic analogy?
Society is interdependent
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What is value consensus?
An agreement
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What did Parsons say?
Social solidary - feeling part of something. The hidden curriculum also.
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What do functionalists say a lack of these will lead to?
Atrophy and anomie of society
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What does marxism say of functionalism?
Myth of Meritocracy
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What do feminists say of functionalism?
Ignores patriarchy
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What does the social action theory say?
Max Weber says functionalism promotes self fulfilling prophecy and labelling
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What does marxism say of education?
Education reproduces and legitimises class difference
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Class hierarchy
Conflict between bourgeoise and protelariat
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What do bourgeoise own?
Means of production
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What is the social action theory?
Individual relationships shape institutions and societies
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Rosenhal and Jacobsen study?
Self Fulfilling prophecy
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Rist study?
Halo effect and primary school labelling
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Becker study?
Labelling theory
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What is setting and streaming? Hargreaves as a teacher
Setting is allocating sets according to ability, streaming is assuming ability is the same across the board
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What are educational external factors?
Cultural and material deprivation and cultural capital
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What is cultural deprivation?
language, attitudes and values and intellectual development
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Douglas Young study?
How educational toys and books affect achievment
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Basil Bernstein study?
Restricted and elaborated codes
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Hyman and Sugarman studies?
values and beliefs of lower class create 'self imposed barrier'
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What are the features of the self imposed barrier?
Fatalism, collectivism, immediate gratification and presnet time orientation
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What is Head Start?
A US organisation - sesame street, nursery and parenting classes
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What is Sure Start?
A UK organisation - promote development to flourish at home - disadvantaged
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What did Keddie conclude?
Myth of cultural deprivaton - not culturally deprived but culturally different
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What is material deprivation?
Going without housing, diet and health, materials and finances
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What did Bourdieu study?
Cultural capital
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What did Gewirtz study? 1995 unstructured interviews
Marketisation and parental choice
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What were Gewirtz findings?
Used interviews/secondary data from 14 London schools and found three types of parents
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What were the types of parents?
Privileged skilled - professional middle class, disconnected local - restricted by economic and cultural capital and semi skilled - working class ambitious for their children
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What are internal factors of education?
Labelling, self fulfilling prophecy, pupil subcultures and marketisation and selection
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What did Becker's labelling theory find?
Interviews 60 Chicago teachers amd found they judged pupils on backgrounds and work conduct
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What did Rist find?
Primary school teachers looked at pupil backgrounds and placed middle class 'tigers' near them, 'cardinals' and 'clowns' were not ideal pupils
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Explain Rosenthal and Jacobsen's study (1968)
told teachers in san fran school found 20% students spurters. year later 47% had made significant progress
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Rosenthal and Jacobsen methods in context
Field experiment - manipulate real situations to discover case and effect relationships
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Lacey 1970 - unstructured conversations
Participant/non participant observations - immersed in school, taught lessons, help trips cricket team. pupils polarise subcultures - longitudinal
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Laud Humphreys - Tea Room trade studies
Longitudinal, covetr observation, interviews
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


1979 New Rights Act


Vocational courses, league tables and parentocracy

Card 3


1988 Education Reform Act


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


1997 New Labour Act


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


2010 Coalition Act


Preview of the front of card 5
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