
parsons (functionalism)
school as a miniature society, school is a bridge between family and wider world, believes in meriotracy
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davis and moore (functionalism)
role allocation and social stratification
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durkheim (functionalism)
school helps us learn norms and values, social solidarity, history and sport lessons create scence of community
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tumin (critique of functionalists- davis and moore)
external factors affect achievement, so people do not get sorted into their appropriate roles through meritocratic means.
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marx (marxist)
bourgeoisie expoloit the proletariat through the education system (teach them how to be good workers) and that the education system is in the interest of capatilism
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althusser (marxist)
the ideological state apparatuses which maintain the rule of the bourgeoisie by controlling peoples ideas, values and beliefs, education system acts as an agency of control
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bowles and gintis (marxist)
correspondence principle- creates expolited workers willing to accept hard work, low pay, and orders from above via the hidden curriculum. he also speaks of meritocracy as an illusion legitimising class inequalities.
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moore and hickox (postmodernism)
argue that such policies as the national curriculum are doomed to fail, the continuous testing and target setting are seen as an attempt to keep some kind of order
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usher and thompson (postmodernism)
education needs to change- should be controlled by communites not the state, diverse, flexible, and active.
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critique of postmodernists
ignores inequality in education, social class is still as important today as ever.
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feminists argue that education helps to reinforce the patriarchal nature of women in society.
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marxist feminists
blame the capitalist system, it forces women into 2 roles- the supporting role of wife/ mother at home and in lower posistions in the workforce, education helps to preserve this.
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liberal feminists
legislation and education can help to change gender inequalities in society
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radical feminists
focus of the violent nature of patriarchy, the school classroom and playground is where this male violence, both phsyical and emotional is learnt.
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macro theories
marxism and functionalism are macro theories they look at how a person fits into society and how their behaviour is out of their control. whereas interactionalism focuses on the individual.
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keddie (interactionalist)
keddie observed humanities lessons and found that teachers expectations where lower of working class students
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hargreaves (interactionalist)
said that working class pupils where more likely to be put in bottom sets, and that pupils where streamed according to behaviour not ability
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rosenthal and jacobson (interactionalist)
did experiment where teachers where provided with intentionally inaccurate assessments of pupils abilities, the ones labelled as "spurters" where given special treatment by the teacher and performed better. self fullfilling prophecy.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


role allocation and social stratification


davis and moore (functionalism)

Card 3


school helps us learn norms and values, social solidarity, history and sport lessons create scence of community


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Card 4


external factors affect achievement, so people do not get sorted into their appropriate roles through meritocratic means.


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Card 5


bourgeoisie expoloit the proletariat through the education system (teach them how to be good workers) and that the education system is in the interest of capatilism


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