
Pioneer of the thought experiment
1 of 20
The type of theory that prefer quantitative data
2 of 20
The two sociologists who studied internal school factors on educational acheivement
Gillbourn and Youdell
3 of 20
The sociologist who studied the affect of teacher labelling, amongst other things, by using interviews with 8 boys
4 of 20
The research method whereby you talk to someone face to face, with just the research question as your focal point
Unstructured Interview
5 of 20
The type of sampling where you are introduced to people who you could research, by people you have already researched
6 of 20
The theory that says that there are now no clear identities, but rather mixed identities that everyone has chosen
7 of 20
The tern used to describe something that the general public fears after the mass media has reported on it
Moral Panic
8 of 20
In education, the term useed to describe the middle class parents who know how the school admissions systems work and know which schools are the best ones to send their children to
Privileged Skilled Choosers
9 of 20
The type of ethical consideration where the participants do not have to do your study once they know what it is
Right to Withdraw
10 of 20
The type of ethical consideration where the participants of your study know exactly what it is before agreeing or disagreeing to take part in it
Informed Consent
11 of 20
The sociologist who carried out two studies, the second of which was in the 1990's, both of which looked at girls' subject choices, what the girls were like in school, as well as what their aspirations for family life and careers post education
Sue Sharpe
12 of 20
Where males face a problem with not being able to see where they are going to end up in life due to a lack of male jobs.
Crisis of Masculinity
13 of 20
The type of identity where people cannot see past one factor that you present. An example could be related to disability.
Stigmatised Identity.
14 of 20
A document consisting of a number of written answers indirectly posed by the researcher
15 of 20
The ability to be able to delve deeper into meaning is a strength of this research method
Unstructured interview
16 of 20
Can show the changing levels of crime in an area over time
Official Statistics
17 of 20
A set list of spoken responses recorded in a quantitative way
Structured Interview
18 of 20
This type of research method can be historical or present day, personal or public.
19 of 20
An ethical problem of this method is that you do not have informed consent, eventhough the research takes place in a real world setting where other people can see you
Covert Observations
20 of 20

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Card 2


The type of theory that prefer quantitative data



Card 3


The two sociologists who studied internal school factors on educational acheivement


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Card 4


The sociologist who studied the affect of teacher labelling, amongst other things, by using interviews with 8 boys


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Card 5


The research method whereby you talk to someone face to face, with just the research question as your focal point


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