How is religion seen by Marx to be ideological? (3 ways)
Legitimating social inequality, disguising the true nature of exploitation, keeping the WC passive and resigned to their fate.
1 of 7
Describe legitimating social inequality.
Religion controls the population by making hierarchy seem God-given e.g. 'all things bright and beautiful'.
2 of 7
Describe disguising the true nature of exploitation.
Religion explains economic/social inequalities in supernatural terms. The real causes (exploitation by ruling class) are distorted. Religion provides the view that inequality is the product of sin or people being chosen by God.
3 of 7
Describe how religion keeps the WC passive and resigned to their fate.
Some religions present poverty as normal. It's suggested that those who don't question their situation will be rewarded by a place in heaven. Such ideas promotes the idea that there's no point in changing society now (conservative force).
4 of 7
What is 1/2 advantage of the Marxist view on religion?
1) Halevy- methodists prevented WC revolution in 19th century. Methodists distracted WC by encouraging enlightenment in spirituality. Therefore religion=conservative force.
5 of 7
What is 2/2 advantage of the Marxist view on religion?
2) Religion has been used to support dominant groups in USA. It has been suggested that fundamentalist religions support right-wing views. Such as the Christian Right who suggest that wealth as a sign of God's favour and poverty and illness as sin.
6 of 7
What are the 3 disadvantages of the Marxist view on religion?
1) Fails to consider secularisation 2) Fails to explain the existence of religion where it doesn't oppress the WC e.g. functionalist view 3) Neo-marxists believe religion is a force for change.
7 of 7
Other cards in this set
Card 2
Describe legitimating social inequality.
Religion controls the population by making hierarchy seem God-given e.g. 'all things bright and beautiful'.
Card 3
Describe disguising the true nature of exploitation.
Card 4
Describe how religion keeps the WC passive and resigned to their fate.
Card 5
What is 1/2 advantage of the Marxist view on religion?
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