Sociology - education
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- Created by: madeleinecclarke
- Created on: 21-05-17 17:30
Refers to the processes of defining a person or group in a certain way - as a particular 'type' of person or group
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Is a generalised oversimplified view of the features of a social group, allowing for a few individuals differences between members of the group
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Halo effect
Is when pupils become stereotyped either favourably or unfavourably, on the basis of earlier impressions
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Self fulfilling prophecy
is when people act in response to predictions which have been made regarding their behaviour, thereby making the prediction true
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students are divided into groups of similar ability in which they stay for all subjects
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Is where students are divided into groups of the same ability in particular subjects
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Educational triage
Refers to the way schools divide pupils into three groups
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pro-school conformity as in the pro-school subcultures, with eagerness to please teachers and win favour with them
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Conformity, but basically for what they can get out of schooling, like exam success, not because they necessarily like or enjoy school
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Those who try to gain both teacher and peer group approval, who move between both, depending on which response sees most beneficial to them at the time
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Lack of interest and engagement with schooling, but appearing to conform by going through the motions and avoiding trouble
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Not activity opposed to school values, but indifferent to them - messing around in class, distracting and lacking concentration, daydreaming, indifferent to exam success, and dropping out from involvement in school, including any school subcultures
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Those who generally accept school for what is offers them, but reject school for things it forbids. Such pupils take opportunities as they arise to have fun, express aggression and hostility so long as they avoid getting into trouble
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Troublemakers who are indifferent to school, and who aren't that bothered about the consequences of non-conformity
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Outright rejection of schooling and its values, and involvement in anti-school activity, as in the anti-school subcultures
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Cultural deprivation
Lacking language, self-discipline, reasoning skills and basic skills ready to start school
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The restricted code
Is the speech code typically used by the working class. It has limited vocabulary and is based on the use of short, often unfinished, grammatically simple sentences. It is context bound.
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The elaborated code
Is typically used by the middle class. It has a wider vocabulary and is based on longer, grammatically more complex sentences. It is context free
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A belief in fate - that 'whatever will be, will be' and there is nothing you can do to change your status. This contrasts with middle class values, which emphasise that you can change your position though your own efforts
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Valuing being part of a group more than succeeding as an individual. This contrasts with the middle class view that an individual should not be held back by group loyalties
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Immediate gratification
Seeking pleasure now rather than making sacrifices in order to get rewards in the future. By contrast, middle class values emphasis deferred gratification, making sacrifices now for greater rewards later
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Present time orientation
Seeing the present as more important than the future and so not having long term goals or plans. By contrast, middle class culture has a future time orientation that sees planning for the future as important
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Material deprivation
Refers to poverty, and a lack of material necessities such as adequate housing and income
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Is the process of teachers categorizing pupils according to how they perceive their ability, attitude and/or behavior. Streaming is form of differentiation, since it categorizes pupils into separate classes.
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Is the process in which pupils respond to streaming by moving towards one of two opposite 'poles' or extremes
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Symbolic capital
referred to as the resources available to an individual on the basis of honor, prestige or recognition, and serves as value that one holds within a culture
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Symbolic violence
Schools devalues the working class habitus so that working class pupils tastes are deemed to be tasteless and worthless
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Gender role socialization
The process of learning the behavior expected of males and females in society
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The process of introducing market forces pf consumer choice and competition between suppliers into areas run by the sate, such as education.
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rule by parents
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'Good' schools can be more selective, choose their own customers and recruit high achieving, mainly middle class. As a result, these pupils gain school's league table positions
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Silt shifting
'Good' schools can avoid taking less able pupils who are likely to get poor results and damage the school's league table position
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Is a generalised oversimplified view of the features of a social group, allowing for a few individuals differences between members of the group
Card 3
Is when pupils become stereotyped either favourably or unfavourably, on the basis of earlier impressions
Card 4
is when people act in response to predictions which have been made regarding their behaviour, thereby making the prediction true
Card 5
students are divided into groups of similar ability in which they stay for all subjects
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