One husband and one wife found in Europe, the USA, and most Christian cultures.
1 of 17
Serial monogamy
A series of marriages separated by divorce. Found in Europe, the USA, where there are high rates of divorce and remarriage.
2 of 17
Arranged marriage
Marriages arranged by parents to match their children with partner of a similar background and status found in India, Muslim, Sikh and Hindu minority groups.
3 of 17
Marriage to more than one person at the same time.
4 of 17
One husband and two or more wives. Found in Islamic countries like Egypt.
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One wife and two or more husbands found in Tibet and in India.
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Two generations (Nuclear family)
Parents and children living in the same household.
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Extended family
All kin including and beyond the nuclear family.
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Classic extended family
An extended family sharing the same household or living close by.
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Modified extended family
An extended family living far apart but keeping in touch by phone, letters, email and visits.
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Patriarchal family
Authority held by males.
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Matriarchal family
Authority held by females.
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Symmetrical family
Authority and household tasks shared between male and female partners.
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Reconstituted family (Step)
One or both partners previously married with children of previous marriages.
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Lone-Parent family
Lone parent with dependent children, most commonly after divorce or separation (Though may arise from death or unwillingness to marry or cohabit.
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Gay and lesbian family
Same-sex couple living together with children.
16 of 17
Single-Person household.
An individual living alone.
17 of 17
Other cards in this set
Card 2
A series of marriages separated by divorce. Found in Europe, the USA, where there are high rates of divorce and remarriage.
Serial monogamy
Card 3
Marriages arranged by parents to match their children with partner of a similar background and status found in India, Muslim, Sikh and Hindu minority groups.
Card 4
Marriage to more than one person at the same time.
Card 5
One husband and two or more wives. Found in Islamic countries like Egypt.
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