Sociology: Identity Quiz

  • Created by: nelliott
  • Created on: 26-06-21 11:48
What was homosexuality historically considered?
A perversion and a mental illness
1 of 25
Who said to say 'I am gay' or 'I am a lesbian' makes a statement about belonging and your identity to a specific sexual code?
2 of 25
What values did Ghumann find played an important part in the upbringing of second-generation Asians in the UK?
Tradition, religion and family values
3 of 25
What did Ghumann say Asian extended families emphasise?
Duty, loyalty, honour and religious commitment
4 of 25
What did Gilroy say young black people shared?
Experience of racism and powerlessness
5 of 25
What did Gilroy say young black people creating their own identity links to?
'Black Atlantic' showing it is not rooted in the UK
6 of 25
What did Spencer find out about ethnic minorities?
Many ethnic minorities are white with ethnic origins from Eastern Europe
7 of 25
How did Spencer say ethnic minorities feel about British people?
They spend little time socialising with British people and 'do not let others in their circles'
8 of 25
What did Cashmore and Tronya argue?
Ethnic minorities 'turn inwards'
9 of 25
What did Cashmore and Tronya say about ethnic minoririties turning inwards?
They do this to support each other as a form of protection, therefore identity, culture and religion are strengthened
10 of 25
Who supports Cashmore and Tronya?
Winston James
11 of 25
Who did Jacobson study?
Young Muslims
12 of 25
What did Jacobson say strong identity of Muslims effects?
Their diet, dress and religious practise
13 of 25
Who spoke about white people feeling ethnic minorities are favoured, due to policies being designed to get equality in society?
14 of 25
What did Modood believe second-generation ethnic minorities felt?
They have more of a British identity than their parents
15 of 25
Why did Modood say second-generation ethic minorities had more of a British identity?
They follow norms and values easier and have spoken the language from birth
16 of 25
What theory believes that due to globalisation and media, people are creating their own identities, meaning ethnicity isn't as important?
17 of 25
What is hybrid identity?
People choosing their own identities and shaping it themselves
18 of 25
What did Jackson mean by 'the rise of the ladette'?
Some girls now spend more time drinking, smoking and swearing in fear of being uncool
19 of 25
What did Wilkinson say about 'feminisation of the workplace'
There has been a 'gender quake' and women are more ambitious, wanting careers
20 of 25
Who said girls are more assertive and want careers?
21 of 25
What is Mac an Ghail's 'crisis of masculinity'?
Insecurity of men now there has been a decline in traditional male industries
22 of 25
What did Wilson mean using the phrase 'spread the seed'?
Men's approach to reproduction
23 of 25
Who spoke about the expressive and instrumental roles within the families?
24 of 25
Who argues that women’s sexuality is oppressed by men in a patriarchal society, through institutions such as ****, marriage and sexual violence?
25 of 25

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Who said to say 'I am gay' or 'I am a lesbian' makes a statement about belonging and your identity to a specific sexual code?



Card 3


What values did Ghumann find played an important part in the upbringing of second-generation Asians in the UK?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What did Ghumann say Asian extended families emphasise?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What did Gilroy say young black people shared?


Preview of the front of card 5
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