sociology key words (end of year 12)
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- Created by: tkaysav
- Created on: 08-09-20 19:54
a sociological theory based on the premise that society comes before individuals
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an approach to the study of society that relies specifically on scientific evidence such as experiments and statistics to reveal a true nature of how society works
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social agencies
formally structured unit sanctioned by society whose goals and activities focus on meeting human needs
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society having shared interests and functioning of a consensus / agreement on its norms and values
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norms & values
norms refer to behaviour and attitudes which are considered normal values are those things that people consider important to them
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collective conscience
shared beliefs ideas attitudes and knowledge that are common to a social group or society
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social solidarity
social cohesion based upon the dependence which individuals have an each other in more advanced societies
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adjustment of individual and group behaviour to conform with prevailing system of norms and values in a society
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goal attainment
process in which humans and other resources are mobilise for the attainment of collective goals and purposes
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different groups come together to form a whole society
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The problem of creating preserving and transmitting the systems distinctive culture and values
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grand meta-narrative
A post modern theory which refers to the big stories that religion offers people about the world however as society becomes more post modern individuals are more scientific and rational so they reject traditional belief systems
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external and internal critiques
External is a valuation in order to test authenticity internal concerns content
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liberal feminists
are concerned with the human and civil rights and freedom of the individual
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is the idea that progress towards equal rights can be achieved by gradual reforms or piecemeal changes in society without the need for revolution
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pre modernity
Traditional farming societies with little knowledge power and no technology
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the enlightenment
The realisation that science was better able to answer questions than religion
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participant observation
participant observation also known as ethnographic research is when a sociologist actually becomes part of the group they are studying in order to collect data and understand a social phenomenon on or problem
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field experiment
means an experiment that is carried out within a natural social setting and which aims to control as many variables as possible
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quasi random sampling
Referring to a method of allocating people to a trial that is not strictly random
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stratified random sampling
is a method of something from the population which can be partitioned into subpopulations
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quota sampling
Means to take a very tailored sample that is important to some characteristics or traits of a population for example you could divide a population by the state they live in income or education level
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snowball sampling
As sample members are not selected from the sampling frame snowball samples are subjected to numerous places for example people who have many friends are more likely to be recruited into the sample
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opportunity sampling
is there a research on select participants based on their availability when example will be standing on the street asking passers-by to join the research
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official statistics
official statistics are statistics published by government agencies or other public bodies such as international organisations as a public good
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social policy
The plans and programmes of government agencies that aim to deal with the problem or achieve a goal and improve society
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social issues
A piece of social behaviour that causes friction and or private misery E.G poverty
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sociological issues
A pattern of behaviour that calls for an explanation that we want to make some sense of E.G why people commit crime
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primary goal is to generate new series
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Primary goal is to test theories
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where the researcher has control over the hypothesis and testing e.g in the lab
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Where are you can’t predict what the outcome is going to be too complex and large-scale to study in a lab E.G observation on gangs
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interpretive phase
Before we know how to respond to a stimulus we have to interpret its meaning once we have done this we can choose our appropriate response
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The repressive State apparatus (RSA’s)
such as army prisons and police
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The ideological State apparatus (ISA’s)
The media, the education system, the family and trade unions
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
an approach to the study of society that relies specifically on scientific evidence such as experiments and statistics to reveal a true nature of how society works
Card 3
social agencies

Card 4

Card 5
norms & values

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