Which sociologist used interviews to research girls changing ambitions
Sue Shape
1 of 12
Which key policy can be used to show changing womens' employment
Equal Pay Act 1970
2 of 12
What is the gender gap at GCSE?
3 of 12
How much more times are boys more likely to be excluded than girls?
4 times
4 of 12
Which Sociologists argue boys receive more attention than girls
Jane and Peter French
5 of 12
Which sociologist argues girls prefer paired work and boys prefer group discussion and as a result girls are more favoured as their learning style is more appropriate within schools
6 of 12
Which sociologist argues that coursework favours girls as they are more organised, meet deadlines and take care with presentation
Mitsos and Brown
7 of 12
How does having more female teachers in schools increase girls' achievement
creates role model allowing girls to aspire to non-traditional work
8 of 12
How have gender stereotypes been challenged in the curriculum?
removal of gender stereotypes in textbooks
9 of 12
Which sociologist found in the 1970s English reading schemes showed women as housewives and men being inventive
Gabby Weiner
10 of 12
Which sociologist argues girls look more attractive to schools as they tend to get better results creating a self-fulfilling prophecy
David Jackson
11 of 12
Which sociologist argues boys are less attractive to schools as they are more likely to suffer from behavioral difficulties
Roger Slee
12 of 12
Other cards in this set
Card 2
Which key policy can be used to show changing womens' employment
Equal Pay Act 1970
Card 3
What is the gender gap at GCSE?
Card 4
How much more times are boys more likely to be excluded than girls?
Card 5
Which Sociologists argue boys receive more attention than girls
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