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Card 16


Argue that marriage is less embedded within the economic system. There sure fewer family firms and the family is no longer a unit of production, so spouses are not so economically interdependent; they do not have tolerate conflict and can seek divorce


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Card 17


Recognising that people have more choice in terms of their relationships and family arrangements but believe that people are not as free as postmodernists suggest


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Card 18


Identified that Living Apart Together is a rising new family. LAT’S have a ‘pure love relationship’ pursuing both intimacy and personal autonomy and independence.


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Card 19


The widespread acceptance of divorce and cohabitation has made people more open to new types of relationship


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Card 20


Argues that the new right assumes husband and wives roles are fixed biologically, women can perform a variety of roles and the traditional family is negative for women’s equality. Feminist


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Card 21


Does not see family diversity as negative; he argues we have move to a neo-conventional family. This is a family in which both partners go to work and share responsibilities equally (also called a symmetrical family). Argues that family diversity is exagg


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Card 22


Researched donor conceived families. They argues that many of these families valued social relationships over biological. However it can crate is sire such as differences in appearance, conflict on lesbian relationships with the ‘real’ and non-biological


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Card 23


Argue that the contemporary society is rapidly changing and people are questioning our traditional widely accepted norms, values and morals. As a result, many are rejecting the idea if traditional family life. Diversity and choice mesmerised people are in


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Card 24


Points out that indivudualization has created new kinds of personal relationships. Traditional social bonds, relationships and beliefs that are used to regulate people's choices have lost meaning and significance so people no longer feel governed by rules


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Card 25


Argues that constant change and uncertainty have made human kind and kinship networks weak so as people explore and search for security, they create new and different family and living arrangements. This has created more options and opportunities for peop


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