
The husband carries out the instrumental role of the breadwinner.
The women carries out the expressive role of the homemeaker.
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A joint conjugal roles are when the couple share tasks such as housework and childcare as well as leisure time
Segregated conjugal role are when the husband is the breadwinner and the women the homemaker there leisure activity are usally seperate.
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Young and Wilmott take a 'march of progress' view and say the family is becomeing symetrical in the sense that roles are becoming more equal.
Oakley criticises Young and Wilmott and says there views are exagerated and that by cleaning once a week is not good enough for men.
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Oakley argues that the houswife role is becoming more domiant.
Gershuny argues that if women work they do less housewrork, in his studies he found that the longer women had been in paid work the less housework they were likely to have done.
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Silver and Schor argue that housewrok has become commercialised as goods and services that housewives had to produce in the past, can now be bought.
Ferri and Smith argue that women carry out dual burden as they say women do paid work as well as housewrok but men take advantage of this.
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Pilcher says that childhood is now seen as a clear and disinct life stage and the most important fetaure of it is that it is seperate.
Aries argues that childhood is a new invention as in the middle ages the idea of childhood did nt exist.
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Laws restricting child labour and excluding children from paid work.
The introdduction of compulsary schooling has increased the period of dependancy
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Child protection and welfare legislation.
The growth of the idea of childrens rights defines parents as having rsponsbilities rather than rights.
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Declining family size and lower infant mortality rates which have encoureged parents to gretater financial and emotional invesment.
Childrens health and development has become the subject of medical knowledge.
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Aries and Shorter take a 'march of progress' view and say that todays hildren are more valued, better cared for, educated more and have more rights.
Marxist and Feminists criticise the 'march of progress' view and say that society is based on conflict between two social classes or gender inequality.
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Postman argues that childhood is diapeering, and that TV blurs the distinction between children and adults as the bounday between them is broken down.
Opie argues childhood is not disapeering but is going to stay for years to come.
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Stable staisfaction os the sex drive, Reproduction of the next generation, Sociolisation of the young, Meeting its memebers economic needs.
Feminists and Marxist scriticise Murdoch and say that famiy serves that needs of men and Marxists say that it serves the capitilist class.
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Parsons agreed with Murdochs four essential functions but also says that the family has two types of structure: The traditional nuclear family and the extended family.
Parsons argues that the family losing its functions, and that the nuclear family specialises in two essential family: Primary sociolisation of children and the stabilisation of adult personalities.
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Marxist socioligists see a capitilist society as based on an unequal conflict betweentwo social classes.
Marxist have outlined three vital functions they see the family as fufilling for capitilism: Inheritance of property, Ideological functions, A unit of consumption
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Inheritance of property is when each father has to be certain that his child is his own so his rightfull heir inherits his property
Ideological functions is when parents socioloise there children into the idea that inequality is inevitible
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A unit of consumption when the capitilist class exloit the working class for cheap labour and then sell the products back to the working class for more therefore aking a profit.
Liberal feminist beleive that family life is getting better as womens rigts have expanded significantly.
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Marxist feminist beleieve that the capitilist class exploits men but also believes that women absorb the anger that would be directed at the capitilist class, this could lead to domestic violence.
Radical feminist argue that all societies benefit men and they see men as the enmey and the family is the key to patriarchy as men benefit from womens unpaid domestic labour
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The birth rate is the number of live births per 1000 of the population.
The birth rate has been declinig recently due to: changing in postionsof women, child centredness, children are economic liability.
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The death rate has been decreasing this can lead to an aging population
The death rate has been decreasing due to: improved nutrition, medical improvements, public health improvements.
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Due to the aging population more people are going to take advantage of public service, more one pensioner households and the dependancy ratio will be affected.
immigration is when people enter the country adn migration is when people leave the counrty.
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New right see the high divorce rates as undesirablr because it undermine the tradtional nuclear family.
Feminist like the high divorce rates as they think women are finnally breaking the patriachal bond.
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Postmodernist see a high divorce rate as giving individuals the freedom to end a realationship whenthey choose.
Functionlists argue that high divorce rates does not mean that marriage is under threat.
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The number of people marrying is decreasing due to: changing attitudes, decling stigma, securilisation, changes in the postion of women, fear of divorce.
There are differant types of families like: step families, cohabiting, lone parent families.
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The new right have a conservative and anti feminist perspective on the family.
The New Right argue that: Lone parent families are unnatural, they disaprove of mothers going to as thay say that women should care for her family, they see mariage as the ideal family.
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Oakley argues that the new right perspective on the family is a negative reaction against the feminist view. Feminist argue that the new right view is based on the patriarchal opression of women.
Chester has identifies two types of family: The conventional family which is the traditional nuclear family with the divion of labour and segregated conjugal roles. The other type of family identified was the neo conventional family, a dual earner.
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The rapoports identified five types of family diversity: Organisational diversity, Cultural diversity, Social class diversity, Life stage diversity, Generational diveraity.
Beck said we live in a risk society, and outlined two trends: Gender equality, and grater individualism.
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Satcey argues that greater chioce has benefitted women as it has allowed them to shape their needs.
Weeks claimed that sexual diversity are now an undeniable and widely accepted fact.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


A joint conjugal roles are when the couple share tasks such as housework and childcare as well as leisure time


Segregated conjugal role are when the husband is the breadwinner and the women the homemaker there leisure activity are usally seperate.

Card 3


Young and Wilmott take a 'march of progress' view and say the family is becomeing symetrical in the sense that roles are becoming more equal.


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Oakley argues that the houswife role is becoming more domiant.


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Silver and Schor argue that housewrok has become commercialised as goods and services that housewives had to produce in the past, can now be bought.


Preview of the front of card 5
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