Sociology and Science 4.5 / 5 based on 6 ratings ? SociologySociological research methodsA2/A-levelAQA Created by: Amy Louise HolmesCreated on: 11-12-12 13:32 Perspective in which society and its 'laws' exist externally to us. Positivism 1 of 11 Sociologist who demonstrated the scientific nature of sociology in his study of suicide. Durkheim 2 of 11 Type of data that is favoured by Positivists Quantitative 3 of 11 Perspective that suggests that scientific methods are unsuitable in sociological research. Interpretivism 4 of 11 Weber's concept of understanding and empathising with meanings Verstehen 5 of 11 Sociologist who favours the falsification principle over inductive reasoning Popper 6 of 11 Kuhn argues that sociology cannot be scientific until a _________ exists. Paradigm 7 of 11 Perspective that believes a paradigm is not good for sociology as it is too much like a meta-narrative Postmodernism 8 of 11 __________ theories such as Marxism are likely to favour Positivist research methods. Structural 9 of 11 According to Popper a good theory should be what? Falsifiable 10 of 11 Sociological concept that can also be defined as inductive reasoning. Verificationism 11 of 11