Sociology and Values 4.0 / 5 based on 4 ratings ? SociologySociological research methodsA2/A-levelAQA Created by: Amy Louise HolmesCreated on: 11-12-12 11:55 Perspective that argues that values should be kept out of sociology Positivism 1 of 13 Sociologist who suggests that values should be used in sociology, but kept out of data collection. Weber 2 of 13 Post-modernist concept that describes 'big stories' such as religion and science. Metanarratives 3 of 13 Sociologist who used the study of suicide as evidence of scientific sociology Durkheim 4 of 13 Gouldner argues that keeping values out of sociology is _________ as well as impossible Undesirable 5 of 13 Sociologist whose study of asylums argues that we should side with the mental patient and not the doctor. Goffman 6 of 13 _______ argues that sociology should be used to allow political radicals to overthrow exploitation. Marxism 7 of 13 Removal of the influence of values, personal interpretations and prejudices from the research process. Objectivity 8 of 13 Sociologist who argues that research should take the side of the underdog, and not that of the powerful Becker 9 of 13 ________suggests that values are constructed in relation to different norms, perceptions and experiences Relativism 10 of 13 Perspective that believes that values are necessary in research. Interpretivism 11 of 13 Early Positivist who sees sociology as the 'Queen of the Sciences'. Comte 12 of 13 Sociological approach that believes that values should be expressed openly throughout research. Committed Sociology 13 of 13
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