Sociology Key Terms
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- Created by: Former Member
- Created on: 27-04-13 16:04
A Marxist term for the capitalist class, the owners of the means of production .
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Close-ended questions
Questions used in a social survey that allow a limited choice of answers from a pre-set list
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Comparative method
a research group that compares two social groups that are alike apart from one factor
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Comprehensive system
A non-selective education system where all types of children attend the same type of secondary education
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Control group
In experiments, scientists compare a control group and an experimental group that are identical.
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Correspondence principle
BOWLES AND GINTIS - Describing the way that the organisation and control of school minors or corresponds to the workplace in capitalists society
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Deferred gratification
postponing immediate rewards or pleasures, generally with the aim of producing a greater reward at a later date
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Behavior that does not conform to the norms of a society group
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Education triage
School sort pupils into 'hopeless cases', 'those who will pass anyway' and 'those who have the potential to pass'
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Seeing or judging things is a bias way from the viewpoint of one particular culture
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Consensus perspective that sees society as based on shared values into which members are sociolised
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Hawthorne effect
Where the subject of the study start to behave differently - undermining the studies validity
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MARXISTS - set of beliefs that serve the interests of a dominant social group by justifying their privileged postition
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Informed consent
Those taking part in the study have agreed to do so
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How we construct our social world
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Sees society as divided into two different classes
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An education or social system where everyone gets equal opportunities
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New Right
Conservative political perspective who support individual choice rather than dependence on the state
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New vocationalism
Education should be about meeting the needs of the economy
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The absence of bias preconceived opinions
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The process that results of two opposite extemes
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Society is made up of 'social facts' and can be studied to discover the laws of cause and effect
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Rejects the modernists perspectives
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Working class in a capitalist society
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Qualitative data
Information usually expressed in words
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Quantitative data
Information usually expressed in numbers - percentages ect
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How large a group the researcher chooses to study - larger group more representative, smaller group less
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Sampling frame
List of people who are chosen after the survey is taken place
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Process where an individual learns the culture of society
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The division of society into a hierarchy of unequal groups
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Stratified diffusion
Spread of beliefs and practices from one social group to another
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Use of two or more different methods to collect data
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Unit of consumption
The modern failmily no longer works together, but still consumes together as a single unit or group income
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Unit of production
Family members work together as economic producers - more common in pre-industrial society
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Value consensus
Agreement among society's members about what values are important
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Questions used in a social survey that allow a limited choice of answers from a pre-set list
Close-ended questions
Card 3
a research group that compares two social groups that are alike apart from one factor
Card 4
A non-selective education system where all types of children attend the same type of secondary education
Card 5
In experiments, scientists compare a control group and an experimental group that are identical.
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