Participation observation is whereby the observer takes part in the observation without the observed knowing their being observed(covert).
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define Non-participation observation?
This is whereby the observed are aware they are being observed(overt) and the observer doesn't participate in the observation.
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define experiment lab?
This is an experiment which takes place or is is associated with science e.g. chemistry.
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define experiment field ?
This is an experiment which takes place in a real life setting for example in a hospital/school etc.
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define experiment natural ?
This is an experiment which is used to compare two groups.
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Define social surveys: questionnaires?
These are closed questions posted they produce a numerical outcome so are able to be generalised.
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define structured interviews?
This is when the interviewer asks question the interviewee questions which have been written beforehand.
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define un-structured interviews?
This is when the interviewer asks the interviewee questions depending on responses given from previous question answers. Hence the questions aren't written before hand.
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Define group interviews?
This is an interview which involves the interviewer asking questions face to face with a group as of people as opposed to asking questions to a single interviewee.
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Card 2
define Non-participation observation?
This is whereby the observed are aware they are being observed(overt) and the observer doesn't participate in the observation.
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