1.Subject & university choice 2.Bullying & experience of schooling 3.Achievement & social factors 4.Parental attitudes to education
1 of 8
Operationalisation of concepts?
Turning abstract ideas into measurable form. Difficult when creating questionnaire for pupils as grasp of abstract concepts less than adults, hard to turn sociological ideas 'deferred grat' into simple language=misunderstood answers/oversimplificatio
2 of 8
Samples & sampling frames?
Schools keep lists of pupils, staff & parents= Accurate sampling frames=representative. May not keep lists that reflect researchers interests EG May want representative sample on eth group, but none. Access to confidential info may pose practical iss
3 of 8
Access & response rate?
Often low. Schools reluctant to allow because of disruption to lessons/objecting topic. When done in schools repsonse rate higher=more representative. Pupils/parents used to doing them by school. Teachers too busy=reduce response rate
4 of 8
Practical issues with questionnaires?
Useful at collecting large quantities quickly/cheaply. Data generated limited/superficial from schools=no explanation. Involve participants being able to read/understand=young. Short attention span so brief=limited info & memory narrower
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Validity with questionnaires?
Schools have very active informal communication channels. Word of researchers presence may spread quickly=distorting responses given by later participants so reduces validity
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Anonymity & Detatchment with questionnaires?
Useful when researching sensitive issues like bullying where anonyminity may overcome pupils embarassment/fear=response rates higher & more likely to reveal details=more valid data than face to face structured interviews
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Lack of anonymity & detachment with questionnaires?
Reassurance of anonymity hard to achieve with detached method as little/no contact with researcher. Interpretivists say develop rapport so reject questionnaires. Are formal/official looking so pupils may equate with school tests=refuse to coop
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Operationalisation of concepts?
Turning abstract ideas into measurable form. Difficult when creating questionnaire for pupils as grasp of abstract concepts less than adults, hard to turn sociological ideas 'deferred grat' into simple language=misunderstood answers/oversimplificatio
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