Durkheim wanted to prove that sociology was a distinct and genuinely scientific
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Why did Durkheim use offical statistics ?
Because he is a positivist and believed we should tackle sociology as a science in order to identify cause and effect
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What did he learn when studying European countries ?
1.suicide rate remain the same, 2.if rates changed it corresponded with social change, 3.Different societies have different rates, 4.catholics had lower rates than protestants
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What does Durkhiem mean when he says suicide is a social fact?
Social forces in the structure of society
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What types of suicide were common in modern society?
Egoistic and anomic suicide
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What kinds for suicide are common in traditional societies ?
Altruistic and fatalistic
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Wh does Gibbs and Martin criticise Durkheim ?
They argue suicide is due to status integration when a people's education and status do not conflict
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How can we criticise Durkheim suicide study ?
He was writing in a time when the gathering of statistics was inadequate , there was few medical advances
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Why does Douglas criticise Durkheim study?
He argues that we must use qualitative methods to understand the meaning of side suicide
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What is another criticism that Douglas argue?
hE argues that some people's families may cover up the suicide note in disbelief
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What does ethnomethodology mean ?
Social reality is a construct of its members
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Does Atkinson believe we can understand suicide ?
No but he believes that we can study how coroners come to their conclusions
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What does Taylor argue ?
He argues the act of suicide has different meanings for some
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What are Taylor 4 suicide meanings
Submissive,thanatation, sacrifice,appeal suicides
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
As a positivist what were Durkheim's aims?
Durkheim wanted to prove that sociology was a distinct and genuinely scientific
Card 3
Why did Durkheim use offical statistics ?
Card 4
What did he learn when studying European countries ?
Card 5
What does Durkhiem mean when he says suicide is a social fact?
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