Sociology Theories and Explanations/Divorce Flashcards

The theories and their explanations within the Sociology topic 'families and households'.

  • Created by: Freyja8
  • Created on: 11-01-15 18:18
What are the 3 Functions of Society?
Practical (giving food, clothing), Emotional (nurture, love, support), Theoretical (Feminism, Marxism, Functionalism).
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What are Feminists Views On How Society Works?
Men believe they are superior.Women are oppressed. Women are seen as objects. We live in a patriarchal (male dominated) society.
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What are Marxists Views On How Society Works?
Capitalist society. Different social classes. Economic. Conflict
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What are Funtionalists Views On How Society Works?
Norms and Values. Contribution. Everyone has a role to play.
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What Anaology Do Funtionalists Believe In?
The 'organic analogy', everyone has their own role to play which makes society work.
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What are Functionalists Views on the Family?
Functionalists belive that families should be Nuclear, that children growing up with a stable relationship with a mother, father and sibling will help reinforce their norms and values.
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What are Feminists Views on the Family?
Believe that we live in patriarchy. They believe that men are treated as superior to them and they are discriminated purely because of the gender. They think that children should be taught to fix things etc.
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What are Marxists Views on the Family?
Class system. Dependent on work. Work (producing the next generation of workers for the higher/upper class.
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What are the Criticisms of Functionalists?
Functionalists look past single parent households and believe they're not as efficient as nuclear families. You shouldn't need two parents to raise a family.
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What are the Criticisms of Feminists?
Feminists are stereotypical because they think all men believe they superior even though some don't.
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New Right Perspective...
The government throughout the 1980's and1990's influenced new right perspectives. During Margaret Thatcher's time in office. Nuclear family is the best for society. Children best brought up by two married parents.
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New Right Perspective 1...
Children best brought up by two parents better educationally, physically, psychologically and socially. Seen by critics as attack on gay and lesbian rights, single parents and fatherless families. Positive View.
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Micro Theory. Language is an example of what allows us to give meaning. Meanings change from society to society. We learn meanings and interpretations throughout our life. Societies are different (generalisation cannot take place).
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Postmodernism and Modernism
A new society rich in choice, freedom and diversity. Growing disbelief in religion. Make our own choices. World of dangers 9global warming, world war, pollution). Society is now dominated by media and technology (the 'digital age').
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What are the Key Factors of Post-Modernity?
Digital Technology. Internet. Transport. Migration. Cultural Diversity. Globalisation.
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What are the 4 Reasons for Divorce?
Greater social accpetance. Welfare State (Benefits). The never married mother. Attitudes towards marriage.
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Why is Greater Social Acceptance a Reason for Increased Divorce Rates?
Years ago people were not allowed to divorce because it was believed that people should be in Nuclear Families.
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Why is the Welfare State a Reason for Increased Divorce Rates?
If you are a singel parent you most likely won't work and you will get paid beneifts so people won't bother getting married.
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Why is the Never Married Mother a Reason for Increased Divorce Rates?
Some daughters will grow up with a single mother so they feel like they don't need to be married to be a good parent.
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Why are Attitudes Towards Marriage a Reason for Increased Divorce Rates?
Some people don't want to get married because they fear divorce or see marriage to be too expensive and not worth the money.
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What are the 4 Reasons why Single-Parent Families are Usually Headed by Women?
Women usually get custody of the children in divorce. Women are more nurturing to their child because they are feminine so they will be more gentle than men. Men earn higher paying jobs, won't give them up. Being single male parent seen as feminine.
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What are 3 Reasons for the Increase in Same Sex Families?
Social acceptance (Media, Evolution of Society). Securalisation (Declining of Religion). Reproductive Technologies (IVF, Surrogacy, Adoption).
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Radical Psychiatry...
Established in the 1960's and 1970's. Very critical of the Nuclear Family. 3 Key thinkers (E.R. Leach, R.D.Laing and D. Cooper).
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How are Changes In the Law Reasons for high Divorce Rates?
Equal Grounds (both men and women can now file for a divorce). Widening Grounds (you can now declare your marriage as an 'Irretrievable Breakdown' instead of having to prove an infedelity). Making Divorce Cheaper (Not as expensive to obtain).
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What are the Social Reasons for High Divorce Rates?
Declining stigma and chnaging attitudes. Now seen as more socially acceptable to get a divorce as the social stigma declines. Divorce has now become a norm for our society (1/2 marriages will end in divorce).
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Why is Securalisation a Reason for High Divorce Rates?
Their view (religion/churches) of divorce being bad, is not as widespread so more divorces take place. Many churches are softening their views on divorce.
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Do the New Right Agree or Disagree with Divorce?
The New Right disagree with divorce because it undermines the traditional Nuclear Family. Divorce creates more families or households that are dependant on welfare benefits.
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Do Feminists Agree or Disagree with Divorce?
Feminists agree with divorce becauses it allows women to break free from the oppression of the patriarchal nuclear family.
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Do Postmodernists Agree or Disagree with Divorce?
Postmodernists agree with divorce because it is peoples freedom of choice to end a marriage if it is no longer meeting their needs. Divorce is a cause of greater family diversity.
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Do Functionalists Agree or Disagree with Divorce?
Functionalists disagree with divorce because it fails the nuclear family and doesn't prove the marriage as a social institution is under threat.
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Do Interactionists Agree or Disagree with Divorce?
Interactionists are mutual when it comes to divorce. They see both sides to the positives and negatives of divorce. They believe divorce means different things to individuals.
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Why are Functionalists and the New Right Perspective seen as 'modernists'?
Because they see modern society having fixed, clear cut and predictable structure.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Men believe they are superior.Women are oppressed. Women are seen as objects. We live in a patriarchal (male dominated) society.


What are Feminists Views On How Society Works?

Card 3


Capitalist society. Different social classes. Economic. Conflict


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


Norms and Values. Contribution. Everyone has a role to play.


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Card 5


The 'organic analogy', everyone has their own role to play which makes society work.


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