Sociology Writers (2) 0.0 / 5 ? SociologyYouth CultureASWJEC Created by: jono2107Created on: 07-05-15 20:50 Durkheim (Functionalist) Society has a value consensus 1 of 10 Brake et Al (Marxist) Youth cultures provide 'magical solutions' to problems 2 of 10 William (Marxist) YC emerged as working class too weak to act alone 3 of 10 Greer (Feminist) Lad's mags emerged in reactions to changing position of women 4 of 10 Bradley (ONE OF THE FEW POST MOD WRITERS) Age no longer important in youth cultures 5 of 10 Becker (Interactionalism) Young people are targeted by police so become deviant (self fulfilling) 6 of 10 Cohen (Inter) Moral Panics and Folk Devils 7 of 10 Hebdidge (Inter) Class is key to understanding subcultures and semiotics 8 of 10 Wyn and White Young people are not deeply committed to youth cultures 9 of 10 Thornton Rave cultures enjoy being mis-represented by the media 10 of 10
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