Something's Coming 2.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? MusicBernsteinGCSEEdexcel Created by: Eleanor MeechCreated on: 28-02-13 07:40 The year in which this piece was composed 1957 1 of 9 The musical from which the piece is taken Westsidestory 2 of 9 The main key signature dmajor 3 of 9 The key signature in the two contrasting sections cmajor 4 of 9 a short, catchy melodic or rhythmic idea that is repeated. riff 5 of 9 Bernstein uses jazz based harmony in which he adds.......notes blue 6 of 9 rhythmic device used throughout the piece syncopation 7 of 9 a type of rhythm that anticipates the beat pushrhythms 8 of 9 the other name for the tritone interval used frequently to create evil or sinister moods diabolusinmusica 9 of 9
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