Something's Coming

  • Created by: Adelaide
  • Created on: 15-04-13 20:36
Something's Coming - Name the 2 different metres
Changes between 3/4 and 2/4
1 of 13
Something's Coming - How does Bernstein create a sense of expectation at the end of the song?
Used the flattened seventh interval
2 of 13
Something's Coming - Is the melody largely melismatic or syllabic?
Almost entirely syllabic
3 of 13
Something's Coming - What term describes the repeated accompaniment pattern that opens the song?
On beat bass part with off beat chords - cross rhythms
4 of 13
Something's Coming - What 2 instrumental techniques are used to illustrate 'the air is humming'?
Strings use harmonics (very high notes) and tremolo (very quick notes)
5 of 13
Something's Coming - What is the texture of the piece?
6 of 13
Something's Coming - What instrumentation is used?
30 piece ensemble (band) and solo tenor voice
7 of 13
Something's Coming - What is the tempo?
Very fast
8 of 13
Something's Coming - Describe some features of the melody
Word painting (e.g.cannonballing), based on riff, syllabic
9 of 13
Something's Coming - What key is the piece in?
Starts and ends in D major, middle C major.
10 of 13
Something's Coming - What is the structure of the piece?
Intro - A - B - B1 - A1 - Outro
11 of 13
Something's Coming - What is a tritone?
An interval of three tones
12 of 13
Something's Coming - Name some features of the rhythm
Push rhythms, cross rhythms, syncopation
13 of 13

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Something's Coming - How does Bernstein create a sense of expectation at the end of the song?


Used the flattened seventh interval

Card 3


Something's Coming - Is the melody largely melismatic or syllabic?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Something's Coming - What term describes the repeated accompaniment pattern that opens the song?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Something's Coming - What 2 instrumental techniques are used to illustrate 'the air is humming'?


Preview of the front of card 5
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