something's coming 3.5 / 5 based on 3 ratings ? MusicBernsteinGCSEOCR Created by: Sammy ReesCreated on: 30-04-13 16:35 The name of the two rival gangs in West side story: the jets and the ? sharks 1 of 7 Which interval is used to foreshadow tragedy? tritone 2 of 7 Which key does Something's Coming begin in? Dmajor 3 of 7 What is it called when you type rhythms across the weak beats of a bar? syncopation 4 of 7 A similar repeated pattern is heard throughout the song. What is this called? riff 5 of 7 the song moves between 2/4 and which other time signature? 3/4 6 of 7 What is the name of the accent which makes notes detached and short? staccato 7 of 7
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