Somite Formation and Differentiation Regulation 0.0 / 5 ? MedicineEmbryologyUniversityNone Created by: Juliana_mpCreated on: 03-08-21 13:11 Oscillating pattern of Notch accumulation Segmentation clock 1 of 15 Retinoic acid is expressed in high concentration ..... Cranially 2 of 15 FGF8 and WNT3a are expressed in high concentration ..... Caudally 3 of 15 Overlapping expression of retinoic acid, FGF8, WNT3a control activity of .... Notch pathway 4 of 15 Venteromedial part of somite differentiates into Sclerotome 5 of 15 Gene expressed by sclerotome PAX1 6 of 15 PAX1 responsible for vertebrae formation and Chondrogenesis 7 of 15 Activates PAX3 WNT 8 of 15 Dorsomedial part of somite differentiates into Muscle precursor cells 9 of 15 WNT acts on ...... part of somite dorsomedial 10 of 15 NT-3 acts on..... part of somite mid-dorsal 11 of 15 Mid-dorsal somite differentiates into Dermis 12 of 15 Part of somite that forms primaxial and abaxial muscle precursor cells Dorsolateral 13 of 15 Muscle specific gene expressed by muscle precursors of dorsomedial somite MYF5 14 of 15 Muscle specific gene expressed by muscle precursors of dorsolateral somite MYOD 15 of 15
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