soul, mind & body

What was plato ?
Substance dualist
1 of 7
What did Gilbert Ryle say a separate belief in the soul was?
A category error
2 of 7
Why is John hick's , alternative view to materialism significant?
Rejects Dualism, whilst defending a belief in bodily resurrection
3 of 7
What does hick believe about the soul?
doesn't necessarily reject the belief in the soul, but rejects the idea of a soul that can be separate from the body
- believed we are an 'embodied personality'
4 of 7
Give strengths of Hick's replica theory...
- shows that a materialist does not have to reject a belief in the afterlife- don't necessarily need a soul to be able to survive death
5 of 7
Give weaknesses of materialism ( reductive)
- can be accused of being too reductive- reducing our nature as human beings to simple mechanics, when we are in fact far more complex than that
6 of 7
Where does plato argue real knowledge of the forms comes from?
The soul
7 of 7

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Card 2


What did Gilbert Ryle say a separate belief in the soul was?


A category error

Card 3


Why is John hick's , alternative view to materialism significant?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What does hick believe about the soul?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Give strengths of Hick's replica theory...


Preview of the front of card 5
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