Sources of Finance 4.5 / 5 based on 2 ratings ? Business StudiesFinanceGCSECCEA Created by: SCOTT NELSONCreated on: 18-09-13 08:37 RETAINED PROFITS Profits which are ploughed back into the business 1 of 10 BANK LOAN money borrowed from the bank at an agreed rate of interest over a set period of time 2 of 10 SALE OF FIXED ASSETS Selling off a piece of equipment that is no longer needed within the business 3 of 10 LEASING The business rents an asset rather than buys it 4 of 10 WORKING CAPITAL Finance used to pay for the day-to-day running expenses of the business 5 of 10 SHORT-TERM FINANCE Finance which is used to meet the costs or expenses of the business in the near future 6 of 10 START-UP CAPITAL Finance which is needed to get the business started 7 of 10 INTERNAL SOURCES OF FINANCE Finance raised from within the organisation 8 of 10 BANK OVERDRAFT Where the business is allowed to be overdrawn on its account, up to an agreed limit 9 of 10 HIRE PURCHASE Where the business pays for an asset n instalments and owns the asset one the last payment has been made 10 of 10
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