Name the 8 planets
Mecury venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune
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The four inner planets orbit in the sun in what kind of path?
2 of 36
The outer planets orbit the sun is what kind of path?
3 of 36
The sun is constantly producing what through what?
heat and light through necular fusion of hyfrogen to form helium
4 of 36
How are planets kept in orbit?
Through the gravational attraction to the sun
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The greater the mass of the object the greater the what between them?
Gravitational force
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How are moons held in orbit?
By gravity
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Whar do comets contain?
Large chunks of frozen rock covered by huge quantities of frozen water and gases
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Comets orbit the sun but what type of orbit fo they take?
Much more elliptical than that of a planet
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When can we see a comet?
They can only be seen when they pass close to the sun
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How and why can we see the comets tail?
The suns enegry causes some of the frozen gases and water to vaporise
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why does the comets tail point away from the sun
the suns rays appel the gases
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What are asteroids?
They are large chunks of rock that orbit the sun
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Between what two planets lies the ateroid belt?
Mars and Jupiter
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What evidence is there on the Earths surface that provide evidence that have been asteroid collinsion in the past?
Large Craters
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Gravity is responsible for keeping what three things?
1. Planets and asteroids orbitting the sun. 2. Moons orbitting the sun. 3. Us stuck on the ground
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What is gravity?
It is the force of attraction that exists between all objects
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What tow things can affect gravity?
The mass of the object 2 the distance between onject A and object B
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The larger the object, what affect on gravity does this have
the bigger the force of gravity it exerts
19 of 36
The force of gravity is called?
Its weight
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If we went up into space and went to a lager palnet what affect if any would that have on us?
we would weigh more-find it harder to walk
21 of 36
Explain what the geocentric model is
This had the earth at the centre and all the planets and the sun orbiting around it. Also had fewer planetsMercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn — as well as the Moon and the Sun. The Earth was in the center of it all (geocentric), with these pla.
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Who put forward the Heliocetric model
Nicolaus Copernicus
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What is the heliocentric model?
pernicus argued that the Sun was motionless and that all planets, including Earth, revolved around it. He further suggested that the stars were stationary and that the Moon orbited Earth.
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How do starts form
Stars form when a cloud of hyrdogen called STELLA NEBULA comes together because of gravity.
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What happens to these clouds as the become denser?
they spiral inwards and the temperture rises
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What temptures does the hydrogen get when it is compressed by gravity?
15million degress celuis
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What happens when the hydrogen reaches this high temptuer?
Nuclear fusion reaction starts---- formation of a star
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The enegry from the satr is emiited as what?
Light and other radiation
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Some clouds of gas and dust come together but don't have enough materials to reach 15m degress. What are these gas clouds called?
Planetary Nebulas
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What do planetary Nebulas eventually become as a result of gravitional pull?
31 of 36
What is the clumping together of gas called?
32 of 36
A persence of a massive star may trap a new planets orbit. Since gas and dust clouds orginally spiral in the same direction so planets all go in thee same direction. They go cloackwise waround the star or they go...?
33 of 36
What do galaxies contain
Millions of stars-millions of solar sysems
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What is the nearest star to Eath called (Other than the sun)
Proxima CentauriIt is 4.2 million light years away
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What is a light year
A light-year is the distance light travels in a year. Light travels very fast (300,000 km per second), and takes only about eight minutes to reach us from the Sun
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


The four inner planets orbit in the sun in what kind of path?



Card 3


The outer planets orbit the sun is what kind of path?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


The sun is constantly producing what through what?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How are planets kept in orbit?


Preview of the front of card 5
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