Spanish 0.0 / 5 ? SpanishHealthy and UnhealthyGCSEAQA Created by: hello12akosnoasCreated on: 28-03-21 21:17 acostarse to go to bed 1 of 39 bebidas alcohócilas Alcoholic drinks 2 of 39 bebidas azucardas Sugary drinks 3 of 39 borracho/a drunk 4 of 39 dolor pain 5 of 39 emborracharse to get drunk 6 of 39 evitar to avoid 7 of 39 glotón greedy 8 of 39 grasa fat 9 of 39 grasiento/a fatty/ greedy 10 of 39 Intentar to try to 11 of 39 Ladrón thief/ robber 12 of 39 Malsano unhealthy 13 of 39 Musulmán muslim 14 of 39 Poco sano unhealthy 15 of 39 Ración portion 16 of 39 Saludable / sano healthy 17 of 39 apetecer to fancy, to feel like 18 of 39 aprobar to pass 19 of 39 cigarrillo cigarette 20 of 39 con moderació e n in moderation 21 of 39 conseguir to get 22 of 39 consejo advice 23 of 39 correr to run 24 of 39 (blanda/dura) droga (soft/hard) drugs 25 of 39 drogarse to take drugs 26 of 39 ejercico exercise 27 of 39 estar a dieta to be on a diet 28 of 39 estrés stress 29 of 39 estresado/a stressed 30 of 39 estresante stressful, stressing 31 of 39 fumar to smoke 32 of 39 levantarse to get up 33 of 39 mantenerse en forma to keep fit 34 of 39 preocupar to worry 35 of 39 probar to try, to taste, to have a go 36 of 39 receta recipe 37 of 39 sentirse to feel 38 of 39 superar to overcome 39 of 39
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