spanish- para 3- ANNA 0.0 / 5 ? SpanishSpanish oral preparationGCSEAQA Created by: AnnaclewsCreated on: 11-10-16 21:12 Es un colegio mixto, hay un uniforme verde. It is a mixed school, there is a green uniform 1 of 6 En mi colegio hay un comedor, unos laboratoris y un patio. In my school there is a dining room, a laboratories and a patio. 2 of 6 Lo bueno es que hay un gimnasio. The good news is that there is a gym 3 of 6 Lo alo es que no hay salon de actors. The bad news there is no room for actors. 4 of 6 Mi colegio ideal tendria mejores instalciones. My ideal school would have better facilities. 5 of 6 PARAGRAPH 4 6 of 6
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