Spanish - Simple Job Advertisements 0.0 / 5 ? SpanishWork and educationGCSEEdexcel Created by: yasminobambinoCreated on: 16-05-16 11:16 advert anuncio 1 of 24 application solicitud 2 of 24 appointment nombramiento (m) puesto (m) trabajo (m) 3 of 24 apprenticeship aprendizaje 4 of 24 enclosed adjunto/a 5 of 24 work experience experiencia laboral/ de trabajo 6 of 24 experienced con experiencia 7 of 24 form ficha 8 of 24 impression elgado 9 of 24 interview entrevista 10 of 24 job trabajo/ empleo 11 of 24 job advert anuncio de trabajo 12 of 24 leaving certificate certificado de despedida 13 of 24 letter carta 14 of 24 qualification titulo 15 of 24 qualification titulado/a 16 of 24 school education educacion escolar 17 of 24 school report boletin escolar 18 of 24 signature firma 19 of 24 success exito 20 of 24 to be successful tener exito 21 of 24 to apply for a job solicitar un empleo 22 of 24 to enclose/ to attach adjuntar/remitir adjunto/a 23 of 24 to send mandar, enviar, remitir 24 of 24
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