Spanish Vocab - 28/1 0.0 / 5 ? SpanishWork and educationGCSEAQA Created by: 17GBranfordCreated on: 28-01-20 20:29 diary agenda 1 of 20 pen boligrafo 2 of 20 to shut up callar(se) 3 of 20 to answer contester 4 of 20 chewing gum chicle 5 of 20 disobedient desobediente 6 of 20 educational educativo 7 of 20 pencil case estuche 8 of 20 gymnasium gimnasio 9 of 20 exchange intercambio 10 of 20 word palabra 11 of 20 to borrow pedir prestado 12 of 20 question pregunta 13 of 20 test, proof prueba 14 of 20 to hand out repartir 15 of 20 summary resumen 16 of 20 hall, assembly room salon de actos 17 of 20 topic, theme tema 18 of 20 scissors tijeras 19 of 20 changing rooms vestuarios 20 of 20
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