Spanish Vocab 0.0 / 5 ? SpanishGrammar and vocabularyListening to SpanishGCSEAQA Created by: ellielouiseCreated on: 14-05-21 13:45 las noticias the news 1 of 36 las telenovelas soaps 2 of 36 tonto silly 3 of 36 he dejado I've given up 4 of 36 se me rompió it broke 5 of 36 empecé a I began to 6 of 36 tocar la batería to play the drums 7 of 36 al mismo tiempo at the same time 8 of 36 está loco por ella he's crazy about her 9 of 36 ven they see 10 of 36 con ella with her 11 of 36 conocer to meet 12 of 36 alguien someone 13 of 36 advertirle to warn him 14 of 36 seguro que for sure 15 of 36 estoy celoso I'm jealous 16 of 36 quedamos en vivir juntos we decided to live together 17 of 36 en lugar de instead of 18 of 36 hoy día nowadays 19 of 36 una boda a wedding 20 of 36 miles de thousands of 21 of 36 casarse to get married 22 of 36 vale it is worth 23 of 36 el estado civil civil status 24 of 36 jugar un papel to play a role 25 of 36 cuales son what are... 26 of 36 ¿vale la pena? it is worth the trouble 27 of 36 el dinero money 28 of 36 gastar to spend 29 of 36 cuantos how many 30 of 36 vendrán they will come 31 of 36 se beneficiarán will benefit 32 of 36 ¿cómo? how? 33 of 36 ¿cómo va usted? how are you? 34 of 36 solucionar to solve 35 of 36 la basura rubbish 36 of 36
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