Spanish: What is wrong 0.0 / 5 ? SpanishListening to SpanishGCSEAll boards Created by: Alex BonnickCreated on: 22-05-16 15:51 I am ill estoy enfermo/a 1 of 10 I have a cold estoy constipado/a 2 of 10 I am tired estoy cansado/a 3 of 10 I have been stung tengo una picadura 4 of 10 I have a flu tengo gripe 5 of 10 I have diarrea tengo diarrea 6 of 10 I have sunburn tengo una quemadura (de sol) 7 of 10 I have a fever/temperature tengo fiebre 8 of 10 I have a cough tengo tos 9 of 10 I have vomit/sickness tengo vómitos 10 of 10
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