Spanish - La dieta 3.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? SpanishLifestyle and healthGCSEAQA Created by: charlotteCreated on: 11-02-13 21:03 el agua mineral mineral water 1 of 53 alcohólico alcoholic 2 of 53 el almuerzo lunch 3 of 53 el azúcar sugar 4 of 53 barato/a cheap 5 of 53 beber to drink 6 of 53 el bistec steak 7 of 53 la carne meat 8 of 53 caro/a expensive 9 of 53 la cena evening meal 10 of 53 los cereales cereal 11 of 53 el chorizo Spanish sausage 12 of 53 comer to eat 13 of 53 la comida food 14 of 53 la comida basura junk food 15 of 53 la comida rápida fast food 16 of 53 la cosa thing 17 of 53 delicioso/a delicious 18 of 53 el desayuno breakfast 19 of 53 la dieta diet 20 of 53 la ensalada salad 21 of 53 fresco/a fresh 22 of 53 la fruta fruit 23 of 53 la galleta biscuit 24 of 53 la grasa fat 25 of 53 la hamburguesa hamburger 26 of 53 el helado ice cream 27 of 53 el huevo egg 28 of 53 la leche milk 29 of 53 las legumbres vegetables 30 of 53 los mariscos seafood 31 of 53 el pastel cake 32 of 53 el perrito caliente hot dog 33 of 53 el pescado fish 34 of 53 picante spicy 35 of 53 el plátano banana 36 of 53 el plato dish/plate 37 of 53 el pollo chicken 38 of 53 raro/a strange 39 of 53 rico/a tasty 40 of 53 saludable healthy 41 of 53 sano/a healthy 42 of 53 la sopa soup 43 of 53 las tapas snacks 44 of 53 la tarta tart/cake 45 of 53 típico/a typical 46 of 53 tomar to have/take 47 of 53 la tortilla omelette 48 of 53 la tostada toast 49 of 53 vegetariano/a vegetarian 50 of 53 las verduras green vegetables 51 of 53 el yogur yoghurt 52 of 53 el zumo juice 53 of 53
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