Sparta Terms 5.0 / 5 based on 2 ratings ? Classical CivilizationSpartaGCSEOCR Created by: Electra37Created on: 29-09-15 11:47 famous war between Athens and Sparta supported by their respective allies (won by Sparta) Peloponnesian War 1 of 19 region surrounding Sparta, situated in the south-east of the Peloponnese peninsular in southern Greece Laconia 2 of 19 original inhabitants of Sparta, who eventually became Helots Achaean Greeks 3 of 19 invaders of Laconia, who eventually became perioikoi Dorian Greeks 4 of 19 'those who live around', Dorian inhabitants allowed a degree of self-government perioikoi 5 of 19 'captives', serfs on Spartan farms helots 6 of 19 'equals', spartan citizens Homoioi, Spartiates 7 of 19 good order, well-organized political system with citizens obeying its laws eunomia 8 of 19 'rearing', city's boarding school Agoge 9 of 19 19 or 20 year old Spartans who had recently graduated from the Agoge eirenes 10 of 19 headmaster of Agoge: Spartan warrior with great record Paidonomos 11 of 19 Sparta's secret police force Krypteia 12 of 19 dining club with 15 members who ate together every night and shared a tent when on campaign syssition 13 of 19 (7th century) rectangular formation of soldiers in rows and columns, with each column usually 8 rows deep phalanx 14 of 19 heavily-armed soldiers of the phalanx hoplites/hopla 15 of 19 leaders of Ancient Sparta who shared power with the kings and supervised their performance ephors 16 of 19 a council of 28 elders The Gerousia/ Apella 17 of 19 the assembly of Spartan Citizens The Ecclesia 18 of 19 two royal families, each of which provided a king Agiads and Eurypontids 19 of 19