Specified Books in Homer's Odyssey

Brief questions on the major instances occuring in each of the set Books. Intended as a brief overview to highlight Books that are a bit gappy.

  • Created by: Min
  • Created on: 04-06-14 21:30
What happens in Book 1?
Athene visits Telemachus diguised as Mentes, the Taphian Chieftain, to inspire Telemachus to visit Nestor and Menlaus and call and aasembly to get rid of the Suitors
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What happens in Book 5?
Hermes is sent to Calypso with a message from Zeus, telling her to release Odysseus
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What happens in Book 6?
Athene sends Nausicaa a dream to inspire her to go and wash clothes in the river. Nausicaa finds Odysseus and she takes him to her fathers palace
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What happens in Book 7?
Odysseus secures the favour of Queen Arete and King Alcinous agrees to give him safe passage back to Ithaca and Odysseus tells Alcinous and Arete of his journey from Calypso's island to Scherie
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What happens in Book 8?
The Phaeacian Games and Odysseus is asked to reveal his identity so that they will know which country that they can return his too
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What happened in Book 9?
Odysseus tells the story of the Cicones, the Lotus Eaters and the Cyclops, Polyphemus, who calls on Poseidon to avenge himand stall Odysseus' return
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What happened in Book 10?
Odysseus meets Aeolus, who he stays with for a month, and gives him and bag of all the winds to enable him to reach Ithaca quicker, which his men open. Odysseus then goes to the land of the Laestrygonians and his fleet is destroyed. He meets Circe
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What happened in Book 11?
Odysseus goes down to Hades Hall to here the prophesies of Teiresias, the blind Theban prophet, who warns Odysseus away from Hyperions cattle and tells him how to make peace with Poseidon and the other gods
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What happened in Book 12?
Odysseus returns to Aeaea and gets further instructions from Circe. He then faces the Sirens, Scylla and Charybdis, and gies to Thrinacia and his men eat the cattle of the sun. His men are drowned as punishment and Odysseus floats to Ogygia
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What happened in Book 13?
Odysseus' tale has finished and he is returned to Ithaca. Poseidon is furious and turn the returning Phaeacian ship into stone as a punishment to the Paeacians for being too generous with their xenia. Athene appears to Odysseus disguised as a shapard
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What happened in Book 14?
Odysseus goes to Eumaeus' hut disguised as a beggar. He is recieved well by Eumaeus and Odysseus test Eumaeus' loyalty towards Odysseus
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What happened in Book 16?
Telemachus arrives at Eumaeus' hut. Whilst Eumaeus tells Penelope of Telemachus' return Odyseus reveals himself to his 'noble son' after Athene has told him to and changed him back to Odysseus - Telemachus is initially disbelieving
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What happened in Book 19?
Odysseus and Telemachus hide the weapons and Odysseus has a meeting with Penelope. Whilst Euycleia is washing Odysseus' feets she notices his scar and nearly gives the game away
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What happened in Book 21?
Penelope sets up the contest of the bow and axes to finally choose her Suitor. All of them and Telemachus fail to string the bow. Odysseus tries and succeeds to the horror of the Suitors to string the bow
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What happened in Book 22?
The battle starts by Odysseus shotting an arror through Antinous' throat. All the Suitors are killed as well as the disloyal maid servants and Melanthius
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What happened in Book 23?
Penelope tests Odysseus on the marriage bed and finds that Odysseus has really returned. They sleep together and the tale of Odysseus' return to an extent finishes here
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Card 2


What happens in Book 5?


Hermes is sent to Calypso with a message from Zeus, telling her to release Odysseus

Card 3


What happens in Book 6?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What happens in Book 7?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What happens in Book 8?


Preview of the front of card 5
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