Sports Psychology

  • Created by: Georgekk8
  • Created on: 14-05-24 16:47
Group Dynamics
“The actions, processes, and changes that occur within groups and between groups.
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Group Development Linear Perspective
--Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing

(weakest cohesion in forming and storming stage)

-Group Roles and Norms needed for an effective team.
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Group Cohesion
Dynamic process reflected in the tendency for a group to stick together and remain united in the pursuit of its instrumental objectives and/or the satisfaction of member affective needs
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Characteristics of Cohesion
• Multidimensional – Many factors related to why a group stick together
• Dynamic – Cohesion in a group can change over time
• Instrumental – Group must have purpose for formation and actions
• Affective – Strong emotional ties among group members
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Conceptual Model of Group Cohesion – Carron et al. (1985)
The 2 important features to group cohesion:

• Group Integration: How close or united is the group as a whole?
• Individual Attraction to the Group: Personal motivation to join/remain in a group
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Conceptual Model of Group Cohesion – Carron et al. (1985)
Two types of cohesion

• Task Cohesion: The degree to which group members work together to achieve common goals

• Social Cohesion: The interpersonal attraction and social interaction between group members
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Measuring Cohesion
Group Environment Questionnaire (GEQ; Carron et al. 1985)
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Developing Cohesion
• Group Norms-Establish team code of behaviour (acceptable/unacceptable behaviours) Individual positions
• Role clarity and acceptance – discuss roles and enhance group member awareness Distinctiveness

• Shared features that make a team distinct (e.g. un
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Developing Cohesion
• Individual sacrifice- Making sacrifices for the good of the team (e.g. mentoring new group members)

• Communication/team building activities and group interaction (MOST IMPORTANT)
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The process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals
to achieve a common goal
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Multidimensional nature of sports leadership
• Decision making
• Motivating and inspiring participants
• Providing feedback
• Directing the group with confidence
• Establishing relationships
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Functions of Leadership
Functions of Leaders;

• Ensuring that needs of the group members are satisfied
• Ensuring that the group meets its goals and objectives
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Interactional approach to leadership
It considers the interaction between people and their situation is the dominant perspective for studying leadership today.
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Transformational Leadership
Having the ability to motivate and inspire followers to achieve new heights and accomplish more than they originally believed they could

Describes four leadership behaviours that have been shown to influence follower’s values, needs, awareness, and perfo
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Transformational Leadership (THE 4 I'S)
Idealised Influence – Practice what you preach

Inspirational Motivation – Believe in your athletes

Intellectual Stimulation – Involve athletes in the coaching process

Individualised Consideration – Person-centered approach
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


--Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing

(weakest cohesion in forming and storming stage)

-Group Roles and Norms needed for an effective team.


Group Development Linear Perspective

Card 3


Dynamic process reflected in the tendency for a group to stick together and remain united in the pursuit of its instrumental objectives and/or the satisfaction of member affective needs


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Card 4


• Multidimensional – Many factors related to why a group stick together
• Dynamic – Cohesion in a group can change over time
• Instrumental – Group must have purpose for formation and actions
• Affective – Strong emotional ties among group members


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Card 5


The 2 important features to group cohesion:

• Group Integration: How close or united is the group as a whole?
• Individual Attraction to the Group: Personal motivation to join/remain in a group


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