Sports Psychology

  • Created by: Georgekk8
  • Created on: 14-05-24 18:20
Anxiety And Depression with Excercise
Exercise appears to be associated with positive changes in mood states and reductions in anxiety and depression
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Types of effects
• Acute Effects: Immediate effects arising from a single bout of exercise

• Chronic Effects: Long-term effects of exercise on depression and anxiety
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What is Mood ?
Mood = A global set of affective (feeling) states that are experienced on a day-to-day basis
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Enhancing Mood State
Relative absence of interpersonal competition
Closed and predictable activities
Rhythmic and repetitive movements
Duration, intensity and frequency
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The Self and Self-Esteem
Exercise has been related to an individuals self-concept and self- esteem

Regular exercise has been related to increased self-esteem
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A strong relationship between exercise and cognitive functioning.

Effects have been shown to be most beneficial for children and older adults
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Benefits of Excercise
Feel good Factor
Weight management
Mental Health
Benefits on Physical health
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Barriers to Excercise
Lack of time, energy and motivation have been found to be primary reasons for inactivity
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Theory of Planned Behaviour
Most important predictor of behaviour is the intention (or readiness) to perform or not perform the behaviour

Includes Attitudes, Subjective Norms and perceived behavioural control
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Strengthen Intentions
Attitudes intervention:
Subjective norm intervention:
PBC intervention:
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Transtheoretical Model
People move through a series of stages during behaviour change
• Precontemplation - No intention to change • Contemplation – Thinking of change
• Preparation – Intend to take action
• Action – Regular exercise < 6months
• Maintenance – Regular
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Self Determination Theory
Satisfaction of three basic psychological needs leads to development of more intrinsically regulated forms of motivation

Suggests the type of a person’s motivation is key in determining behaviour
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Self Determination Theory
Interventions should increase intrinsic motivation by...
• Increasing a person’s sense of competence • Increasing sense of ownership or control
• Increasing opportunity for social interaction
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Facilitated by Competence, Autonomy, Relatedness.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


• Acute Effects: Immediate effects arising from a single bout of exercise

• Chronic Effects: Long-term effects of exercise on depression and anxiety


Types of effects

Card 3


Mood = A global set of affective (feeling) states that are experienced on a day-to-day basis


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Card 4


Relative absence of interpersonal competition
Closed and predictable activities
Rhythmic and repetitive movements
Duration, intensity and frequency


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Card 5


Exercise has been related to an individuals self-concept and self- esteem

Regular exercise has been related to increased self-esteem


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