Exercise appears to be associated with positive changes in mood states and reductions in anxiety and depression
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Types of effects
• Acute Effects: Immediate effects arising from a single bout of exercise
• Chronic Effects: Long-term effects of exercise on depression and anxiety
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What is Mood ?
Mood = A global set of affective (feeling) states that are experienced on a day-to-day basis
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Enhancing Mood State
Relative absence of interpersonal competition
Closed and predictable activities
Rhythmic and repetitive movements
Duration, intensity and frequency
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The Self and Self-Esteem
Exercise has been related to an individuals self-concept and self- esteem
Regular exercise has been related to increased self-esteem
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A strong relationship between exercise and cognitive functioning.
Effects have been shown to be most beneficial for children and older adults
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Benefits of Excercise
Feel good Factor
Weight management
Mental Health
Benefits on Physical health
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Barriers to Excercise
Lack of time, energy and motivation have been found to be primary reasons for inactivity
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Theory of Planned Behaviour
Most important predictor of behaviour is the intention (or readiness) to perform or not perform the behaviour
Includes Attitudes, Subjective Norms and perceived behavioural control
People move through a series of stages during behaviour change
• Precontemplation - No intention to change • Contemplation – Thinking of change
• Preparation – Intend to take action
• Action – Regular exercise < 6months
• Maintenance – Regular
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Self Determination Theory
Satisfaction of three basic psychological needs leads to development of more intrinsically regulated forms of motivation
Suggests the type of a person’s motivation is key in determining behaviour
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Self Determination Theory
Interventions should increase intrinsic motivation by...
• Increasing a person’s sense of competence • Increasing sense of ownership or control
• Increasing opportunity for social interaction
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Facilitated by Competence, Autonomy, Relatedness.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
• Acute Effects: Immediate effects arising from a single bout of exercise
• Chronic Effects: Long-term effects of exercise on depression and anxiety
Types of effects
Card 3
Mood = A global set of affective (feeling) states that are experienced on a day-to-day basis
Card 4
Relative absence of interpersonal competition
Closed and predictable activities
Rhythmic and repetitive movements
Duration, intensity and frequency
Card 5
Exercise has been related to an individuals self-concept and self- esteem
Regular exercise has been related to increased self-esteem
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