sports psychology 0.0 / 5 ? Sports Science Psychological interventionsBTEC NationalEdexcel Created by: shay123445Created on: 26-12-20 18:22 Imagery How does imagery help improve performance ? It reduces anxiety and stress Increases self-confidence/Efficacy 1 of 7 Imagery Mental Rehearsal – Arousal control (increase and decrease Pre performance routine – Control of stress/anxiety/arousal/motivation Imagining goals -increase motivation 2 of 7 Performance profiling How does performance profiling improve performance? Increase Motivation/control Over-motivation Increase Self Awareness/Efficacy/Confidence Develop Growth Mind-set Potential reduction in Stress/Anxiety 3 of 7 Goal Setting How does goal setting improve performance? Increasing Motivation Reduce Anxiety and Stress 4 of 7 Self-Talk How does self talk improve performance Increase Self-confidence/Efficacy Increase Motivation Arousal control and stress and anxiety control Pre-performance routine 5 of 7 Relaxation Techniques – reduce stress, anxiety, arousal progressive muscular relaxation mind-to-muscle techniques (imagery) Breathing control. 6 of 7 Energising (Increase Arousal and Motivation) Increasing breathing rate Pep talks (self-talk) listening to music Use of energising imagery Use of positive statements. 7 of 7
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