stabian baths 0.0 / 5 ? Classical CivilizationpompeiiGCSEAll boards Created by: loubieloustarlight102Created on: 26-04-17 11:03 The main baths in pompeii Stabian 1 of 10 The cold room Frigidarium 2 of 10 The hottest area Caladrium 3 of 10 The adjustment room Tepidarium 4 of 10 The zone for men to exercise Palaestra 5 of 10 The changing facilities Apodyterium 6 of 10 The heating system Hypocaust 7 of 10 What did the baths help improve? Hygiene 8 of 10 Who did rich men bring with them? Slaves 9 of 10 What sort of meetings could take place there? Business 10 of 10
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