Can occur at every scale. What begins as a discussion or conflict avoidance may end there without provocation or threat. The opposite is also equally likely.
1 of 5
Stage 2 - a group choses to put forward its case more strongly and gain support
At a local level this may be expressed by: writing to newspapers, persuading MPs to support their view, taking action such as organising demonstrations.
2 of 5
Stage 3 - peaceful actions fail, people take direct action
Within a country, violent uprisings can occur against any level of authority - this is known as insurrection. Governments may respond with force at a national or international level.
3 of 5
Stage 4 - Armed hostile combat develops
Within or between nations. As more nations become involved, the prospect of global conflict emerges.
4 of 5
Stage 5
World War
5 of 5
Other cards in this set
Card 2
Stage 2 - a group choses to put forward its case more strongly and gain support
At a local level this may be expressed by: writing to newspapers, persuading MPs to support their view, taking action such as organising demonstrations.
Card 3
Stage 3 - peaceful actions fail, people take direct action
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