Stalin's Russia Key Dates for AQA History AS Key dates and what happened for the Stalin's Russia AS History Course 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryRussia - 19th and 20th centuryASAQA Created by: Jess FriezeCreated on: 19-05-14 13:59 Bolshevik Revolution October 1917 1 of 27 War Communism brought in 1918 2 of 27 Death of Lenin March 1924 3 of 27 The Triumvirate (Stalin, kamenev, Zinoviev) formed 1924 4 of 27 Trotsky dismissed as Commisar for Military Affairs January 1925 5 of 27 Kamenev and Zinoviev attack Stalin and lose the vote Party Congress 1925 6 of 27 The United Opposition (Kamenev, Zinoviev, Trotsky) formed 1926 7 of 27 Kamenev and Zinoviev readmitted to the party after expulsion, Trotsky sent to Siberia 1928 8 of 27 Stalin graduates towards the Right Wing 1925 9 of 27 The Procurement Crisis, Bukharin discredited 1928 10 of 27 Voluntary collectivisation introduced Late 1928 11 of 27 Forcible collectivisation introduced Late 1929 12 of 27 Stalin's "Dizzy with Success" speech, halt to collectivisation March 1930 13 of 27 The NEP introduced 1921 14 of 27 The First Five Year Plan 1928-1932 15 of 27 The Second Five Year Plan 1933-1937 16 of 27 The Third Five Year Plan 1938-41 17 of 27 The USSR now self-sufficient in machine making 1938 18 of 27 The USSR occupies Easten Poland and the Baltic States 1939-40 19 of 27 The Shakhty Trial 1928 20 of 27 The Kirov Assasination 1934 21 of 27 First Show Trials- Kamenev and Zinoviev executed, Yagoda arrested 1936 22 of 27 Second Show Trials. A decree condemned anti-Soviet elements and arrest lists were drawn up with targets set. White collar workers now at risk. 1937 23 of 27 Third Show Trials- Bukharin, Rykov and Yagoda executed. 1938 24 of 27 Religion effectively banned by Stalin 1929 25 of 27 All artistic unions merged into one 1932 26 of 27 Germany invades the USSR 1941 27 of 27
Essay on:To what extent was it Stalin’s position as General Secretary that allowed him to defeat his rivals in the years 1924-9? 4.5 / 5 based on 6 ratings
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