all the members of a single species that live in a habitat
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what is meant by the term community
all the populations of different organisms hat live together in a habitat
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what is meant by the term habitat
the place where an organism lives
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what is meant by the term ecosystem
a community and its habitat
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how is a quadrat used to estimate the population
by placing a quadrat randomly in an area and counting the organisms in the quadrat it will give a rough idea of the organisms in an area
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how can quadrats be used to measure the distribution of organisms in their habitat
by measuring the amount of organisms with an estimate it will show a rough idea
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describe a food chain and what it looks like
pic of food chain
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describe a decomposer
a decomposer will feed on dead and decaying organisms
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describe a pyramid of biomass
pic of pyramid of biomass
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describe a pyramid of numbers
pic of pyramid of numbers
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what happens going up the pyramid of biomass
10% of the energy remains after each level
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why is only 10% of energy transferred from one trophic level to another
10% is lost because a lot of energy is lost through the metabolic process as heat
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what is the biological consequences of pollution of air from carbon monoxide
carbon monoxide passes into the red blood cells when breathed in and it binds more strongly to haemoglobin than oxygen does
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what is the biological consequences of pollution of air from sulfur dioxide
sulfur dioxide creates a choking smell when burned it will also make the rain more acidic
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list the greenhouse gases
water vapour, carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, methane and CFCs are greenhouse gases
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how do humans contribute to climate change
humans contribute to climate change by burning fossil fuels e.g. diesel and farming which the release of methane causes global warming
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explain the greenhouse effect
pic of full diagram
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what are the consequences of global warming
higher sea levels, warmer climate and more acidic rain
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what is eutroprophication
it is when fertilisers(PHOSPHATE AND NITRATE) used get leached through the ground via rain into rivers and will decompose and this leads to the oxygen in the ecosystem being used up so there is less life in the organism
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what are the effects of deforestation
the lack of photosynthesis means less oxygen is produced the water cycle will also be unbalanced as less is held in ecosystems so more leaching will take place and soil erosion will take place
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how can polythene tunnels and greenhouses used to increase crop yield
greenhouses are used to keep the humidity and the perfect temperature and the carbon dioxide levels can be controlled
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what are the advantages and disadvantages of using pesticides and
ADVANTAGES=gets rid of weeds that will compete with the crops DISADVANTAGES=the harmful chemicals can be absorbed by the plant and therefore eaten
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what is the role of yeast in beer production
yeast is used to convert sugars into ethanol
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what methods are used in fish farming
maintenance of water quality| control of infraspecific(between different species) and interspecific(between individuals of the same species) predation|control of disease|removal of waste products| quality and frequency of feeding|selective breeding
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
what is meant by the term community
all the populations of different organisms hat live together in a habitat
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