An entity that is recognised to exist when a government is in control of a population in a defined territory. They are seen as possessing sovereignty that is recognised by other states in the international system
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How is the state defined in international politics?
Each state is a country and a community of people who interact in the same political system
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How is the state defined philosophically and sociologically?
It consists of the apparatus of government, covering the executive, the legislature, the administration, the judiciary, the armed forces and the police
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How did Weber define a state?
A monopoly over the legitimate use of force
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What is sovereignty?
The principle that within its territorial boundaries the state is the supreme political authority, and that outside these boundaries that state recognises no higher political authority
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What is state sovereignty?
A principle for organising political space where there is one sovereign authority which governs a given territory
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When and where was the birth of state sovereignty?
In 1648 in the Treaty of Westphalia
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What is nationalism?
The idea that the world is divided into nations that provide the overriding focus of political identity and loyalty, which in turn demands national self-determination
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What is de jure sovereignty?
Legal sovereignty
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What is de facto sovereignty?
Political sovereignty
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What is anarchy?
A system operating in the absence of any central government
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What is the anarchic system?
The 'ordering principle' of international politics according to realism, and that which defines its structure as lacking any central authority
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What is the international system?
A set of interrelated parts connected to form a whole. In realist theory, systems have defining principles such as hierarchy in domestic politics and anarchy in international politics
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What are Agents?
They are essentially states. They are an entity that does thing and makes things happen and they have the capacity to make war, make peace, make trade agreements
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What is power?
The ability of a political actor to achieve its goals
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What is a nation-state?
A political community in which the state claims legitimacy on the grounds that it represents a nation
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What is the inside-outside binary?
It creates exclusion in the state and reflects who belongs and who does not in the state. It comes hand in hand with nationalism and sovereignty
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
How is the state defined in international politics?
Each state is a country and a community of people who interact in the same political system
Card 3
How is the state defined philosophically and sociologically?
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