States of Matter & Mixtures 0.0 / 5 ? ChemistryStates of MatterMixturesOtherEdexcel Created by: 16109MorrisNCreated on: 08-11-18 12:42 What should you spray on a chromatogram if there is a colourless chemical present? Locating Agent 1 of 19 What would happens to a solid when heated? A solid would expand and vibrate 2 of 19 What happen to a gas when heated? The particles move around faster 3 of 19 How is crude oil converted into its products? Fractional Distillation 4 of 19 Whats the Rf value? Distance travelled by solute / distance travelled by solvent 5 of 19 What is the stationary phase of paper chromatography? The filter paper 6 of 19 Why are marks made in paper chromatography made with a pencil? So it's not affected by the solvent 7 of 19 What does filtration do? Separate an insoluble solid from a liquid 8 of 19 What is a limiting factor with simple distillation? If the two melting points are too similar 9 of 19 What does chemically pure mean? Only one compound or element is present 10 of 19 When a gas becomes a liquid what is it called? Condensing 11 of 19 How does sublimation occur? When a solid is immediately heated to a temperature past its boiling point 12 of 19 Which state of matter his the highest force of attraction? A solid 13 of 19 What are the 3 steps for water purification? 1) Filtration 2) Sedimentation 3) Chlorination 14 of 19 How do you test the purity of a substance? Heat it and plot the temperature as it cools down on a graph 15 of 19 Which state of matter has the most energy? A gas 16 of 19 What does crystallisation do? Separate a soluble solid from a liquid 17 of 19 How can fresh water be produced from seawater? Distillation 18 of 19 Why must water used in chemical analysis not contain dissolved salts? It might react differently due to the impurity 19 of 19
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