Statistics Crossword 0.0 / 5 ? MathematicsData HandlingGCSEAQA Created by: Valleycat115Created on: 04-02-16 10:26 The average number of a selection of data Mean 1 of 12 The highest number in a selection of data Mode 2 of 12 The middle number of a selection of data Median 3 of 12 The highest number from a selection of data take away the lowest number Range 4 of 12 A range in which the upper quartile is taken from the lower quartile Interquartile 5 of 12 A type of diagram, stem and... Leaf 6 of 12 A way of calculating how likely something is to happen Probability 7 of 12 A way to ask people questions Questionnaires 8 of 12 A type of frequency Cumulative 9 of 12 A type of chart in the shape of a circle Pie 10 of 12 A type of graph that requires a line of best fit Scatter 11 of 12 When looking at a scatter graph, there is either a positive or negative one of these Correlation 12 of 12
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