Statistics on Trade Unions in the Gilded Age 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryTrade Unions, Civil Rights in the USA (1865–1992)A2/A-levelOCR Created by: TheLordPamCreated on: 14-04-24 18:26 List two statistics about the danger of unskilled labour in the 1880s. In 1882, 600 unskilled workers killed each week. 2000 railway workers were killed from their work in 1889. 35,000 workers killed a year in the 1880s in total. 1 of 28 What was the peak membership of the National Labour Union and when was it achieved? The NLU peaked at 300,000 members in 1868. 2 of 28 Name a strike that failed for the National Labour Union. The 1867 Iron Strike. 3 of 28 Give a statistic for the proportion of women in the unskilled labour force. In 1890, women made up 35.4% of the unskilled labour force. 4 of 28 Give a statistic for the proportion of unskilled workers in the labour force. In 1880, 1/3 of work force was unskilled. 5 of 28 Give a statistic for the growth of industry in the Gilded Age. The workforce grew from 855,000 workers to 3.2 million workers between 1870 and 1890. 6 of 28 What quality of craft unions kept them strong? They were closed shop. 7 of 28 How long was the average work day for an unskilled worker in 1880? Around 12 hours. 8 of 28 How long were some immigrant labourers willing to work for? 16 hours. 9 of 28 What was in place instead of workmen's compensation? Self-help schemes (such as sickness clubs). 10 of 28 By what percentage did wages rise for some skilled workers in the Gilded Age? Some skilled workers saw wages rise by 60%. 11 of 28 Who was the strongest leader of the Knights of Labour? Terrence Powderly 12 of 28 Give some examples of how the Knights of Labour attempted to overcome labour divisions. They accepted skilled and unskilled labourers, women, and African Americans. 13 of 28 Which trade union lobbied employers for equal pay between men and women? The Knights of Labour. 14 of 28 Give some statistics about the membership of the Knights of Labour 1880: 20,000 1886: 700,000 1890: 100,000 15 of 28 Which event effectively caused the destruction of the Knights of Labour? The Haymarket Affair (1886). 16 of 28 Which two businessmen expressed a willingness to cooperate with the American Federation of Labour? J.P. Morgan and Marcus Hanna 17 of 28 Between 1881 and 1905, what was the total number of strikes and how many workers participated in these strikes? There were 35,000 strikes, with 7 million participants. 18 of 28 When was the Sherman Anti-Trust Act passed, and when was it first used? It was passed in 1890, but was only used in 1894 to file a legal injunction against the strikers in the Pullman Strike. 19 of 28 Which charismatic leader of the Pullman Strike was arrested after defying a federal injunction? Eugene V. Debbs. 20 of 28 Give a statistic about the 1877 Railway Strike. 50,000 miles of rail was stopped. 21 of 28 In 1886, how many African Americans were members of the Knights of Labour? 60,000. 22 of 28 Did the Amalgamated Association (of Iron and Steel Workers) have successful strikes before Homestead? Yes. They had won the right to collective bargaining in 1882 and then again in 1889. 23 of 28 Give some statistics about deaths in the Homestead Strike of 1892. 2 strikers were killed and 11 were wounded. 2 Pinkerton detectives were killed and 12 were wounded. 24 of 28 Give some statistics about deaths in the Haymarket Affair of 1886. 4 strikers were killed at the McCormick Harvester Plant. 7 strikers and 4 policemen were skilled in the ensuing conflict. 8 policemen were killed by the bomb at the Haymarket Square. 5 Germans were executed. 25 of 28 What was the direct cause of the Pullman Strike of 1894? Pullman attempted to lay off 25% of his workforce and cut wages by 33%. 26 of 28 What proportion of a skilled worker's wage did an unskilled worker earn? 1/3 of a skilled worker's wage. 27 of 28 Name an immigration law passed to limit foreign labour. The Chinese Exclusion Act 1882. 28 of 28
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