Statistics Section 2

  • Created by: Ellie
  • Created on: 22-05-13 19:07
Frequency tables
a table that shows you how many of each value there are. you must use tallies so you dont make mistakes page 24
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Grouped Frequency tables
use these when you've got a large range of data values- the data is split into groups using class intervals page 25
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Countinous data
> means greater than < means less than >_ greater than or equal to <_ means less than or equal to page 26
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two-way tables
bivariate data measures two variables often to investigate links between them page 27
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Simplifing tables
simplifing tables makes it easier to pick out useful infomation. easiest way of simplifing is totalling page 28
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Simplifing tables
totalling percentages grouping it combining class intervals page 28-30
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use pictures to represent data page 31
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Multiple bar charts
can be used to compare data sets page 31
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composite bar charts
show proportions in the data page 32
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pie charts
show proportions page 33
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comparative pie charts
use areas. size of pie chart matters!!!! page 33
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transforming data
from bar chart to pie chart pie chart to bar chart page 34
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Vertical line graph
is like a bar chart but with lines. show frequency distributions for DISCRETE data. page 35
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cumulative frequwncy step polygons
the cf is a running total of the frequencies- the total number less than or equal to each value. page 35
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Frequency polygon
uses the midpoint of each class page 36
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cumulative frequency graph
uses the highest value page 36
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can have unequal class widths. it is the area you look at not just height or width. can use them to estimate frequencies. page 37
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Frequency distributions
see page 38
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normal distribution
-symmetrical about the mean - this symmetry means that the mean, mode, median are all the same - 95% of values are within +- 2 standard deviations of mean - almost all 99.8% of values are within +- 3 standard deviations of mean. page 38
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steam and leaf diagrams
show shapes of distributions. can have unordered and ordered read question for what it wants. can compare two sets of data back to back. page 39
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population pyramids
made from 2 bar charts (sideways) that are back to back so you can compare the data they show. page 40
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choropleth maps
use shading, hatched lines or dots, different regions of the map are shaded differently depending on the value of the data. page 40
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scatter diagrams
used for bivariate data. used when you have two different variables. page 41
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line of best fit
draw one if there is a relationship. see page 41 for correlations
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time series
are plotted with time on the x-axis. there are two variables. they have fluctuations page 42
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problems and errors with diagrams
see page 43 -45
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


use these when you've got a large range of data values- the data is split into groups using class intervals page 25


Grouped Frequency tables

Card 3


> means greater than < means less than >_ greater than or equal to <_ means less than or equal to page 26


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


bivariate data measures two variables often to investigate links between them page 27


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


simplifing tables makes it easier to pick out useful infomation. easiest way of simplifing is totalling page 28


Preview of the back of card 5
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I have used the cgp revision guide for this

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