Statistics - The Depression
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- Created by: Jess
- Created on: 10-04-14 12:59
When did the Depression end?
1941 (WWII)
1 of 84
3 American groups who suffered more than anybody else?
Immigrants, small farmers and African Americans
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What is the figure that most people say the unemployment figures were around?
3 of 84
Which group said unemployment was around 17million?
The American Labour Organisation
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Were there more people unemployed in cities or in the countryside?
Cities - more people there
5 of 84
Number unemployed in October 1929?
6 of 84
Number unemployed in March 1930?
7 of 84
Name 2 cities for which you know the percentage of habitants were unemployed?
Toledo and Chicago
8 of 84
% unemployed in Toledo
9 of 84
% unemployed in Chicago
10 of 84
If you were African American, how many times more likely were you to be unemployed?
11 of 84
Quote on African Americans
"They didn't even realise there was a Depression, they just thought the whites were catching up"
12 of 84
Why was it shameful to be unemployed?
It goes against rugged individualism
13 of 84
What percentage of people eligible for relief actually claimed it according to Forbes magazine?
14 of 84
How many states said that if you claimed relief, you would not be allowed to vote?
15 of 84
How many people did not have enough to ear by 1935?
20 million
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Why was the Depression in America dissimilar to Germany in 1918?
No reports of cannibalism
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How many million men became hoboes?
1-2 million
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GNP in 1929
$103 billion
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GNP in 1933
$55 billion
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Average weekly earnings fell from __ to __ (1929-1933)
$25 to $17
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Number of banks in 1929 and in 1933
25,000 to 14,700
22 of 84
Number of companies that went bust
23 of 84
Why did farmers leave food to rot?
It cost more in petrol to take it to market to sell than what it was worth selling it
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What is it called when a farm is lost to the bank?
Farm foreclosure
25 of 84
What made the countryside situation worse?
The dustbowl
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What caused the dustbowl?
Overproduction during the 1920's when every bit of land was farmed, combined with severe winds (up to 60mph)
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Which 2 groups migrated?
Okies and Arkies
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Which 2 states were these 2 groups from?
Arkansas and Oklahoma
29 of 84
Number of Okies that migrated west (towards California)
30 of 84
Farm prices fell on average by __%
31 of 84
Cost of wheat fell from __ to __ (per bushel)
$1.04 to 51c (per bushel)
32 of 84
Number of young people that left school
33 of 84
Suicide rate increased by __%
34 of 84
What was the TRADITIONALIST view on the causes of the Depression?
Hoover and international problems were to blame
35 of 84
What was the REVISIONIST view on the causes of the Depression?
Hoover alone was to blame
36 of 84
What was the POST-REVISIONIST view on the causes of the Depression?
A wide range of factors were to blame
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What did Hoover promise in the 1928 election?
A chicken in every pot, a car in every garage
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Year and month of the Hawley-Smoot tariff?
June 1930
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RFC stands for
Reconstruction Finance Corporation
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What was 1 of Hoover's key initiatives?
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What is voluntaryism
Not the government sorting out welfare
42 of 84
What did POUR stand for?
President's Organisation for Unemployment Relief
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What did POUR do?
Set up soup kitchens using money from charity
44 of 84
% that money in circulation fell from 1929-32
45 of 84
6 causes of the Depression
Wall Street, international problems, underconsumption-overproduction, mal-distribution of wealth, banking system and government policy
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5 reasons why the Depression was so severe
Hoover, banking system, spread and distribution, international scene, legacy of the 1920's
47 of 84
Name of the farming act of 1929 and its effect
Agricultural Market Act - left huge surpluses in 1931/2
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What were the average duties on agricultural items due to the Hawley Smoot tariff?
49 of 84
How much did the value of trade fall between 1929 and 30?
$500 million
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How much did the value of trade fall between 1930 and 1931?
$1.2 billion
51 of 84
How much did Germany have to repay in reparations?
$66 billion
52 of 84
In which year was the gold standard abandoned by Britain?
53 of 84
What was the name of the central Austrian bank?
Credit Anstalt
54 of 84
When did the bank collapse?
55 of 84
Ways the banking system was flawed?
Small, too many, unregulated, isolated, dishonest brokers, bought shares in anything
56 of 84
Quote about the banks - with who said it
"The banks were rotten even in good times" (Kennedy)
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Wealth of the top __% equalled the wealth of the bottom __% together
top 1% and bottom 42%
58 of 84
Manufacturing output increased __% during the 1920's
59 of 84
Exports increased (only) __% during the 1920's
60 of 84
Quote about consumption and production - with who said it
"The capacity to produce had outrun the capacity to consume" (Freeman)
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How much money was lost on the 24th October 1929 alone?
$4 billion
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Wall Street can be seen as the ______ cause of the Depression?
Trigger cause
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What was the value of all stocks in 1925 then in 1929?
$27 billion to $87 billion
64 of 84
Quote about money - with who said it
"The stock market was a mountain of credit on a molehill of actual money" (Johnson)
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In what year was the Florida Land Boom?
66 of 84
What were the 2 programmes that gave money to Germany?
Dawes and Young Plans
67 of 84
What proportion of banks were regulated under the Federal Reserve Board?
68 of 84
How many banks collapsed in 1929?
69 of 84
Why was there overproduction?
Assembly line, Taylorism, can't sell abroad
70 of 84
How many people were below the poverty line during the 1920's?
70 million
71 of 84
Quote about African Americans in the Depression - with who said it
"The reason why the Depression didn’t have the effect on the ***** that it did on whites was because the ***** was in Depression all the time" (Shuyler)
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Why was there no trade with Russia?
73 of 84
Why was there no trade with China?
Political problems
74 of 84
Why was there no trade with South America?
75 of 84
What is the effect of a bank being too small?
It will go bankrupt quicker
76 of 84
In what year was the McNarry-Haughen bill?
77 of 84
What would the McNarry-Haughen bill do?
Buy excess from farmers
78 of 84
Why did Coolidge refuse the McNarry-Haughen bill?
He said it would lead to farmers producing more because they were guaranteed to sell it
79 of 84
How many people left the countryside?
6 million
80 of 84
What were the 4 industries that were not doing well in the 1920's?
Construction, coal mining, textiles, agriculture
81 of 84
Why was the textiles industry not doing well in the 1920's?
Women were wearing less clothes - liberation
82 of 84
3 reasons why agriculture was not doing well in the 1920's
Wheat competition from Canada and Argentina, no grain for alcohol, efficiency of machinery led to overproduction
83 of 84
How many active speculators were there in the 1920's?
1 million
84 of 84
Other cards in this set
Card 2
3 American groups who suffered more than anybody else?
Immigrants, small farmers and African Americans
Card 3
What is the figure that most people say the unemployment figures were around?
Card 4
Which group said unemployment was around 17million?
Card 5
Were there more people unemployed in cities or in the countryside?
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